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My ideas: Presentations

Showing 66

Click through within presentations

When reviewing/editing an Aha! presentation, it would be beneficial to be able to click through from the presentation directly into the actual Aha! data/screen for that slide. For example, if reviewing the Features Roadmap within a slide, have an ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Ability to Create and Publish Presentation Templates

I would like to be able to create and publish presentation templates for my team at the company, product line, and/or product level. This would allow us to have standardized views across all products and presentations. Ideally, I would like to add...
Carah Counts over 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Change Report within a presentation

Once a presentation is copied (say from one product to another), you have no way to change what report slide in the presentation is pointing to. While you can delete the report from the slide and add another report, doing so will loose all of the ...
Michael Faust almost 6 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Add Image Above Public Title in Notebook

In order to make the Title page more attractive, we would like to be able to add an image above the Public Title field so that when a PDF is generated the company logo is more visible.
Brian Mundy over 8 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Notebook Security - need a third option to restrict notebooks ONLY to users within our corporate domain

We have a situation where we want to publish high-level road map information to anyone within our company who is interested. Ideally, we'd create the notebook, then publish it and provide that link on a corresponding webpage on out internal intran...
Joe Carpenter over 9 years ago in Presentations 7 Shipped

Ability to add idea overview graphs to a notebook

There is currently the ability to add the chart view to a notebook, but not to add the graphs that are presented in ideas>overview. Please add the ability to put those into a notebook. Thanks!
Guest over 9 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Limit the content from some elements in a notebook

When adding bits such as Features to a notebook, often times there is a lot more info in the notebook than I would like. If the notebook is going to be seen by an executive, for example, I don't want to get questions about what a "watcher" or a "t...
Guest over 9 years ago in Presentations 5 Shipped

Unlock slides when they are not being actively edited

When prepping for a presentation where multiple people are collaborating, we are constantly running into the issue of people locking slides unintentionally simply by viewing the slide deck or forgetting to close their tabs. As a result we have to ...
Todd Meyer over 5 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Control security of notebook sharing to system users only (admin level control)

Notebook sharing currently supports sharing with a password. However, here is a realistic corporate scenario: A staff member receives a link to a notebook, with a password The staff member leaves the organisation. The link and password are still a...
Guest about 10 years ago in Presentations 5 Shipped

Clickable links in feature cards for calendar reports

We are using the new calendar view in a notebook to track/promote Product Management & Marketing events. We need viewers to be able to click a link and get more information on the event. However clickable links are not available in feature car...
Steven Pecchio over 7 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped