when changing the filters on a pivot report, the whole report is automatically reformatted - including column widths. In excel this can be set to not auto-adjust column widths. This is really helpful if you've got a wide report with many columns a...
Frank Salvo
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
No easy way to reorder "columns to sort by" when updating the report.
E.g. List Report
Sort by multiple columns Edit Screen
Exiting Sort Order:
1) Product Line
2) Epic name
3) Epic status
Let's say we want to add another column to sort on but ma...
Alex B
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We have embedded our public roadmap in an iframe (e.g. see http://roadmap.mambu.com) but it loads for quite a while and the user might think something is broken because for a couple of seconds nothing is displayed on the iframe.
about 10 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Aha! needs the ability to report Rank based on a records assigned Scorecard value automatically. | This inability is a HUGE pain point for our company right now & we've reverted to LucidChart to organize & rank our Epics visually.
We und...
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
This Diagram Report is a very good way of visualise the relationship between entities. I would like to do this on Demand => Epics => User stories (US) => Sprints for stakeholders to understand that some Epics will take more than one Sprin...
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow User to Remove Notebook Footer as it Truncates when .pdf is printed and is not professional.
My executive team has their Admin Assistants print the .pdf version of the Notebook I distribute. Upon testing the printing I found that our embedded company logo was truncating on the right bottom of the page. After removing the company logo the ...
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
I would need the ability to sort a pivot report by values in calculated cells
Pivot tables in excel help me sort values based on calculated cells.
Example: count(field1) needs to be sorted from largest to smallest, I am not able to so it
We have regular internal meetings to understand how Aha tool can help us overcome the c...
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
I create a development product, in which I add all development that can be used by many final products.
I build a pivot table to make a release content of one final product.
I would like to see in this release content the description of the featur...
Nicolas Quesne
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement