When creating a list report on our competitors, the competitors are placed on the vertical axis and the competitor fields are listed across the horizontal axis. I would love to be able to switch this, with the competitors across the top and fields...
Bryan Crist
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
As an admin, it would be helpful to have a report that would show all required fields by area - e.g. require fields for workspace, epic, feature, etc. and including workspace layout. This would help in the analysis of what fields are used and requ...
Wayland Fox
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Hello AHA Team, with the new chart type i´m loosing a lot of configuration/style options. Easy one, e.g. the file size of the legend. Please give me back the configuration options. The new approach does not make anything easier, just complicated c...
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow re-arranging of schedule/release details when inserting "details" view into report
As a team manager, I would like to be able to arrange which fields show up in the left, center, and right columns when adding Schedule/Release details to a report, so that I can better display project information. Currently, the fields that appear...
Harrison Hopkins
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Filter choice for Due date to include next x number of days
We need a way to have a generic report that includes all items with a due date in the next number of days (in our case 1 year) we want this dynamic so we don't have to change the filter on the saved report continually.
David G
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Would like to include QTR's as an option when reporting on a timeframe
Currently when setting up reports, the following options are available:
Only the last one - Custom - Allows for non-date selections like Next Qtr, Last Qtr, etc. I would like to have the same options for the all the ...
Joe Carpenter
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Within the "Select Data for Pivot Table" settings dialog for reports, have "Checkmark" as an option for the "Within Cells" setting
When I have a pivot report -- sometimes for brevity (depending on the audience), I just want to show that something would be populated in a cell -- without specifically showing the content.
Presently, I use the "Count Unique Cells" options for...
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
The filters have been upgraded with some nice Quarter options, like This Quarter, Next Quarter, etc. I like that! I would also find it very useful to have specific Q!, Q2, Q3, Q4 filters, so I don't have to manually set them up in the filter or in...
Max Cascone
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
It'd be nice to filter as I type. When there's a lot of saved views and I'm looking for something, I'm not always exactly sure the name. This would help the discover process.
John Bohn
almost 8 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement