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Able to sort on aggregate values in cells in pivot tables

Who would benefit? All users that view reports What impact would it make? Prevent exporting to Excel for simple aggregates How should it work? A user should be able to sort on the aggregated values in cells, like count, sum, etc. Apparently today,...
Matt Kalan 3 months ago in Reports 4 Already exists

Ability to create a folder structure within the Roadmaps > Overview folders (i.e. add a hierarchy of children folders to the top level folders) so that I can better organize my reports.

Who would benefit? Individual product teams, cross-funtional teams looking across workspaces. What impact would it make? Users could easily find the report they are looking for. How should it work? The folder structure should mimic Box or Dropbox ...
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Option to select CY vs FY in date based views

Who would benefit? Anyone who's financial year end doesn't match the calendar year. For us, our financial year starts in Q2 (AMJ), I can't see how to either adjust the FY start dates or switch the views to say CY instead. What impact would it make...
Chris Haggan 3 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Save View bug

Who would benefit? Every user What impact would it make? Fix a bug How should it work? When I click "save as" but click the "x" before saving, it still saves the view even though I cancelled the request. It should not create the new view if I canc...
Josh 7 months ago in Reports 7 Already exists

Filter fields on "Organization" by "does not contain"

Currently, custom fields on objects like Organization and Proxy Votes can be filtered by "contains", "is blank", and "is not blank". But there are a fair number of reports that we need to filter by fields that have many different values, wherein w...
Kellen Hawley 9 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Pivot Tables Sort A to Z or Z to A for Calculated Columns

As a user, I want to sort the calculated columns in my pivot table from A to Z or Z to A.
Amelia Peklar 10 months ago in Reports 6 Already exists

Ability to include dependent features on Pivot reports

Have an ability to show the feature dependencies on the pivot report alongside other information we want to track instead of checking a separate Dependency report.
Guest 12 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Ability to hide or show a workspace parking lot in a pivot table report.

Our team uses pivot table reports shared through the webpage URL capability to provide senior leadership with a view of what's coming. Parking lot items are not ready for that level of review, but we are unable to 'hide' or even label the parking ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Filters - "Is Not" Option

Hi Aha! Team, Having a filter that ommits certain options would help with reporting.
Jonathan Beggs about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Already exists

ability to have "does not equal" in a multiselect filter

I want to be able to see features that do NOT have a certain tag (for example) or other similar fields. For example, we are putting a tag on items that have passed a certain validation, and I need to have a report on items that do not have this ta...
Jennifer Lange over 1 year ago in Reports 3 Already exists