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Measure feature cycle time

As a VP of Product, I'd like to be able to generate a report that takes the initial creation date for a feature, the “delivered” or “deployed” date for a feature, and average that for all deployed features to see our average cycle time for feature...
Evan Paul about 8 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists

Make Requirements data available for hierarchy report.

The hierarchy report is very useful, however it could be improved by making requirements data available also.
Brian Stanley about 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Add a description within a report

I have a couple of reports which look for errors or omissions, and will be blank if everything is good. I would like to add a little text to the reports to explain that if it's blank, they should be happy, not contact me to ask if the report is wo...
Kevin Simon almost 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Dashboard Filters allowing for Date Range Definition across all panels

Looking for functionality which would allow us to place date filters at the top of a dashboard that’ll allow us to quickly toggle dates. Today filters are supported for some minor capabilities but was hoping enabling similar capabilities around su...
Kenichi K over 3 years ago in Ideas / Reports 0 Future consideration

View Reports on Mobile App

Having the ability to view reports on the mobile app would increase functionality & efficiency.
Guest about 6 years ago in Mobile / Reports 0 Future consideration

Quick Links to my favourite reports

Each time I want to access one of my reports - I have to click Roadmaps > Overview > Select my Folder > Choose my report. I would like to be able to go straight to my reports folders, perhaps via configurable quick links or access my favo...
Julie Edwards over 5 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Show which presentations a report is currently in

When I'm looking at the list of reports I have created, I would love to see which presentations those reports are contained in in the popup window instead of just when I try to delete the report (which is helpful!  but would like to see that ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Filter by multi-select field "is null" in custom filter functions

Who would benefit? Reports for auditing purposes What impact would it make? Allow custom functions to flag "is null" for multi-select fields that don't contain data. Currently unable to build custom functions for this type of field. How should it ...
Emily Millman over 1 year ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Make the Admin > User screen configurable like the list views

It would be valuable as an administrator of users if the Account > Users page could be configurable with the ability to add different filters and different fields to the user report. The current page could serve as the default but then the adm...
Noreen Fowler over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Integrate High Level Risk reporting

What is the challenge? Currently there is no automated way to visualize the tracked risks for reporting purposes (e.g. classical risk matrix) What is the impact? The user has to use multiple tools for reporting, instead of using Aha! as single sou...
Guest 9 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration