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Ability to hide the feature prefix/code on Feature Roadmap and Presentation Export

On the Feature Roadmap, where it lists the features included in a release, each Feature's Prefix/Code (e.g. DEMO-22) is displayed. This takes up a lot of room unnecessarily and should be able to be hidden if it's irrelevant for the purpose of the ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

When a release has an Initiative set, all features added to it (+ button) should inherit the initiative

No description provided
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to log different types of effort

We love being able to track our development time and I find that data so powerful, from helping to plan for our product releases and to refine our grooming processes. I have charts/tables to analyze things like: how much development effort was spe...
Emily Slattery over 7 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Able to work with Parking Lots without having a planned release.

When I go to Feature tab a new window "Create release" is always showed when I have no releases.
Torben Hinge about 9 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Include linked record/relationship field as an option for automated scorecard metrics

It would be valuable to be able to include standard fields that are derived from linked records in automated scorecard metrics. For example, I may want to create a metric that assigns a score based on the name of the goal(s) that a feature is asso...
Brittany Rhoney 7 months ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Add 'select all' or 'unselect all' to the top of multi selects to help with efficiency

It would save time instead of having to click 15-20 items in a list. If I could use 'select all' and then just de-select the one or two I don't want, this would be much more effiecient. Otherwise I'm manually clicking 15-20 checkboxes.
Cindy Hickman 11 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Roll up feature delivery risks to parent epics

It would be helpful to have an option to configure roll up for delivery risks. For example, if a feature is at risk, we can reasonably assume the parent epic is also at risk, so we should display the flag there as well- with a link to the relevant...
Reilly O'Connor 11 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Teams can inherit delivery risk settings from the team line.

One can set delivery risk settings on the team line but these appear to have no effect. It would be nice to have teams be able to set their delivery risk settings to inherit from their team line, similar to how card customizations are intended to ...
Paul C about 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Filter achieved initiatives and goals from the Epic/Feature drop downs

When selecting an initiative or goal for an epic or feature, currently every initiaive or goal is shown, including those that are marked as "achieved" or "abandoned". What is needed is a way to filter those out from the dropdowns to prevent accide...
Jake Hawkes over 1 year ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Restore the remaining estimate when a Requirement is moved from Shipped back to In Development

When a Requirement is shipped the remaining estimate will go to 0, but if that Requirement is re-opened then it will stay 0. Is there a way to restore the remaining estimate when a Requirement is re-opened?
Dale Crane over 1 year ago in Features 3 Future consideration