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New Feature fields showing forecast effort at completion and variation from original estimate

Would be useful to quickly be able to report on those features that are tracking over their baseline estimate. This would allow a project manager to quickly identify which features are impacting the capacity, especially if tracking over capacity. ...
Ian Carson about 8 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Feature Lists filter for Releases should have an option to select releases for all Products on top

We have many smaller timeframe releases, also many small products. When I try to create a view of all my features and how they span across releases in List form - I have to select each release for each Product one by one. Give all/none filters. Th...
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Improve todos design

There is obsolete blank space after todo title, it isn't used now by any todo's details. I think blank space could be removed for todolist looks much better.
Artem Charykov about 8 years ago in Features / To-dos 3 Shipped

Export Pivot Table as CSV or Excel

I have a pivot table that is quite large, it doesn't share very well either in notebooks or as an image. I would love a way to export the pivot table, into a spreadsheet and then play with formatting. etc
Jesse Stein over 8 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Using Link to JIRA feature to 'import' Epics with Stories into Aha!

In our rollout we are looking at EPIC to Feature mapping from JIRA to Aha. When we link a feature in Aha! to an EPIC in JIRA the stories do not come across as requirements - we would expect them to do this!
Andrew Tipton over 8 years ago in Features / Integrations 1 Shipped

Allow for Required Fields in Initiative and Feature Forms

We would like to be able to make certain fields within the initiative & feature forms required - so that one cannot save the form without filling out that field. We'd specifically like to use this to ensure folks are mapping an initiative to ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 14 Shipped

Be able to move the scorecard when filling it in.

When scoring features, the scorecard is presented dab smack in the middle of Aha! thereby blocking the text describing the feature. Scoring is an important process to us. When answering our scoring questions, I like to read and re-read the feature...
joost boerhout over 8 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Ability to bulk-edit features to assign watchers

When planning releases, assigning watchers in mass would be helpful. The user can deselect being a watch after the release has been planned.
John Seifert over 8 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Remove assignee from features / workflow board

While I understand it's sometimes useful to have a pipeline of features spread by assignee, when I want to get the big picture, without having to consider the assignee as a separated lane. You should make it optional.
Jean-Baptiste Théard over 8 years ago in Features 12 Shipped

Bulk-Edit Features from the Board View

When dragging features into release columns and/or when prioritizing features in the release board view, it would be very helpful to have access to bulk-edit features. The features board view already supports multi-select, would need to rig-up the...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 3 Shipped