An API to extract the last changed set of fields by a modified date.
So anything greater than that time date would be extracted and the rest would be ignored. This would be very helpful if we wanted to get the last person that updated the feature/record. Would only need to get the data that is needed and not the wh...
about 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Move idea link to the target feature when converting a feature to a requirement instead of dropping the link
Currently if you have a feature which was promoted from an idea and convert that feature to a requirement within another feature, the idea link is dropped entirely. You then have to manually relink the idea to the target feature under which the re...
Todd Meyer
about 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Keep creator when promoting a requirement to a feature
When you convert a requirement to a feature (or vice versa), the new feature will report you as the creator. This can be confusing. The new feature should use the requirement creator as its creator whenever possible. Ideally history should also sh...
Justin Weiss
about 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Currently, you can rename the axes in the Initiative Matrix once, and after that your 2 values per axis are intended to be aligned. So Effort & whatever you rename Effort will always have the same value. It would be nice if you could instead c...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Hide work estimates in workflow board if not activated
In the Workflow Board, under Configure, there are check boxes for tracking work however we don't have work estimated activated for our products & this just confused users.
If work estimates aren't activated for a product, these check-boxes sh...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Visual clue on feature card whether 'Use requirements estimates' is set or not
To find out whether all features cards are flicked to 'Use requirements estimates' requires opening each feature card and check. It would be great if there was a visual clue on the feature card itself that helps detect feature cards that are not y...
Markus Gujer
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
For 'Predefined Tags Field' there is a bulk edit option to copy/paste values from excel. Could this also be introduced for 'Tags Field'? This would simplify setup as I don't want every user to 'invent' his own tags but ideally chose the ones that ...
Markus Gujer
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Presentation mode for feature details to present only focussed content to an audience
As we do our Refinement sessions by presenting Aha items on a big display so that everybody can read the Specifications, it would be great if there would be something like a presentation mode to hide information which are not relevant, disturbing ...
Florian Kette
over 6 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement