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Showing 1198 of 9112

Feature requirements should allow estimates

There should be a field for entering a requirement estimate, just as you can for an overall feature. The sum of all requirement estimates should roll up to the feature.
Kristian Kauper almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Filter on Deleted User

When a user is deleted but they still have records assigned to them there is no way to filter to those records. I understand why that user wouldn't appear in the dropdown, but having a free form search capability to search for deleted users would ...
Blake Falanga over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Default list view for a product

We are using Aha to manage custom products for several different clients. We have created customized list views for each client's product. However, when you click the list view, it always goes to a default view that has not been customized for the...
Mark Neroni over 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Copy a record with its children

Being able to copy an initiative with its underlying structure, such as subhills and epics. The team I work in has some recurring tasks for every quarter and adding the same subhills and epics to the new initiative takes a lot of time.
Aleksandra Marciniak over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to Adjust which feature statuses are included in Capacity Calculation

No description provided
Kinga B over 3 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 1 Future consideration

Make the "Name" text boxes in the right panels show text as wrapped when editing.

I write User Stories as "Features" and I use the standard story format, so the text in the "Name" field is typically long. From my Board, I like to click the Story to see the details in the right panel. In that panel, the "Name" text box shows the...
Sharon D over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Archive Features and Ideas

I have a lot of odds and ends of features and ideas that are never going to be implemented that I have no way to archive. I keep filtering them off lists, but if I adjust settings they pop back up. I would love to keep a record of them but not hav...
Guest about 10 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

Auto total of feature scores to be combined to create release score

Currently I am scoring at a feature level, and then having to go through and add up all of the feature scores to be able to get my release score populated. Ideally, it would be good if each scored feature could affect the release score automatical...
Kathryn Taylor over 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Allow search for words who are part of separated list

Searching for the word "error" will not find features with a name "Indicate if terrain is processing/done/error in designs". This is due to the fact that AHA considers "processing/done/error" a single word. I suggest to treat the chars /,-,\ as wo...
Qua3926 over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Linking features by dragging and dropping

Easily create relationships for traceability on dependent or related features. Manual editing via a dialog box is old-school and very time consuming when working on large products.
Guest about 5 years ago in Features 2 Already exists