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some info is cut out when exporting an Idea

Who would benefit? everyone What impact would it make? wouldn't cut out potentially critical info How should it work? when exporting an Idea (both in .pdf and .png) some info in the right side column of the export is cut off. This should not happe...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Custom Tables information display

The custom fields that I have created in my custom table that appears in my Ideas Portal requires me to scroll horizontally for columns that are not spaced correctly. I recommend letting the information populate/appear vertically. See attached.
Leah Gralapp over 3 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Disable Public Comments on certain Ideas in Public Idea Portal

We are using the Aha! idea portal as an FAQ and for some of the ideas/questions, we would like to disable the comments section so public users cannot comment. We don't want to necessarily want to do this for all ideas/questions submitted, but it w...
Guest about 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Connect Qlik Sense with Aha! for external reporting

Being able to funnel project information from Aha! into a BI tool/dashboard platform such as Qlik Sense would be great! Given that Qlik Sense can connect with various sources of data and is very powerful in it's reporting capabilities, being able ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Share Idea Links (iFrame)

There are over 20 requests in Aha's ideas portal with close to a hundred votes across them all requesting a feature similar to this. Requesting the ability to include an “Idea sharing link” for each idea. The use case here is that our ideas portal...
Rikun Patel over 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

I would like to suggest that "comments" created on the Aha!-side of the Aha!-Salesforce integration be transmitted back to Salesforce

Communication between Aha! and Salesforce is essential and by allowing comments made in Aha! to flow into Salesforce, this helps save time and alerts Salesforce-preferred users to be kept current with the latest information entered from Aha!
Guest about 7 years ago in Ideas / Salesforce 1 Future consideration

Ability to create a custom table entry while viewing an Aha request

We have to assign an internal customer (from custom table) to every Aha request. However, if the customer does not exist in the custom table, we have to navigate to a different page for the custom table in order to create it. It would be nice to h...
Victoria Morrella over 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Simplify the process of finding and fixing duplicate organizations

Today, it's quite onerous to find and fix duplicate organizations. We'd like Aha to help identify potential duplicates (either the names are similar enough, or they have the same email domains). Once identified, we'd like bulk merge capabilities (...
Brian Trombley over 3 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Filter on ideas in My Work section

Who would benefit? product managers What impact would it make? make the my work section more clean for ideas How should it work? the ideas are promoted to backlog they should not appear in the idea section anymore.
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Include Created By In Default Idea Submitted Report

Update the report linked to "Submitted" on the Ideas homepage to include a column for "Created By"
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration