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Idea System Scorecard field values promote to an Initiative Scorecard Custom Field

Promoting Ideas to Features will populate the Feature system scorecard field with the idea scorecard values as long as both the Idea and Feature are using the same custom scorecard. The desire is for the same behavior when promoting ideas to init...
Matt Case about 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Ideas > List should be limited to the selected product

When I try to look at ideas for a product line, I'm prompted to first select from the list of products. After selecting a specific product, the list contains all ideas within the product line. I then have to apply a filter to limit to the specific...
Tom Beck over 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Shipped

Allow for a Comment or Additional Field when linking a customer to a preexisting Idea when using Salesforce Integration

Business Problem: When our team links customers to existing Ideas through Salesforce, there is no way to enter this additional customer's contact information. Some of our accounts have hundreds of contacts so we need a way to specify the actual pe...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Display idea categories alphabetically when multiple products are available

If you have an ideas portal that contains multiple products, each product creates its own idea category section along the left hand side of the portal. The category sections are organized based on the order in which the products exist in your Ah...
Danny Archer about 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Ideas: Scorecard Metric Comments Should be Movable to Main Content Column

For Ideas, the scorecard metric comments (Revenue Validation, Level of Effort, Customer Value, and Strategic Value in our case) are the most important components to us, and we'd like them to be in the main column (under "To Dos", for instance) as ...
Guest about 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Create and group ideas to submit to the Users for a fixed/limited voting.

Submitting ideas is done throughout the year. A select number of features/functions are then grouped and put into a release. In order to get agreement on the items along with closing the loop on the outstanding requests, this feature will give tha...
Jennifer Holden over 9 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Customize colors on the Ideas Chart

The ideas chart is a useful tool, and I like that I can customize the axes and the titles of the quadrants. But as a result, the default colors may not make sense. For example, red in the lower left quadrant makes sense for the default setup ("Los...
Jonathan Berg over 9 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Reverse vertical and horizontal scales in the Initiatives and Goals Charts

We would like to reverse the scale on the Initiatives and charts so that low-low appears on the bottom left quadrant, while high-high appears on the upper right quadrant.
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Add a Vote Created at Month field

On a monthly basis I report on both the number of Ideas Submitted by Month and the number of Votes Created by Month. I have been doing this externally with PowerBI but want to do it through a Notebook in Aha. It was great that you gave us the Idea...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Description of idea category should be shown in Idea portal

For the new version of the Idea portal, it is possible to create idea categories. For each idea category it is possible to make a description of the category. This description should be shown f.ex when hovering the pointer over an idea category
Øyvind Standal over 10 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped