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Configure release capacity display

Currently, there isn't an option to configure release capacity to display in weeks. When you enter a value in weeks, Aha automatically converts it to days. We want it to show weeks since we estimate capacity based on available dev weeks.
Guest over 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Filter Out Parking Lot Items in Info Tab of Workspace

I would like the ability to filter out Parking lot items from the Info tab view of a workspace where releases are listed. Release tab views by default filter out Parking lot items, but the Info tab view does not support filtering.
Guest over 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

milestone integration with jira

being able to integrate the milestone/phases field with a custom field in Jira. This would be beneficial as our teams have release dates vs committed dates and being able to populate those fields automatically based off of a mapped field in aha &l...
Juan Possie over 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Parallel and In-series Phases with Dependencies on Selected Lines

I was trying to set up a new release template with phases to match our typical release management steps but ran into difficulty because the Aha! release phases are set up mainly to occur sequentially / in-series, but our list of items for a releas...
Guest over 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Adding documents to a shipped release

We want to be able to easily add documentation to a shipped release as often once the release goes out, we may need to amend or add additional docs such as FAQ updates etc. Currently we have to "unship", add the docs and re-ship and beware of any ...
Ben Bishop almost 7 years ago in Releases 2 Unlikely to implement

Label Gantt bar with master/feature name

For Gantt charts spread over a wide date range, I find myself constantly scanning from the feature names on the left of the screen to the corresponding bar in the chart. Often I have to scan multiple times to make sure my eye hasn't wandered to an...
Alfred S over 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Release Phases - move tabs around

When looking at a specific Phase in a Release Phase layout, it would be nice if I could move the To-Dos tab to the first position so that the list of tasks shows up first rather than the Overview. Where: Choose a Release > click Phases > cli...
Guest over 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Add 'Date' in the view at 'Release>Roadmap' gantt level

We are regularly being requested by our clients can we see the dates and assigned too/tasks in the Gantt view via: Releases>Roadmap. Because we can't show the dates (we can show the letter of the day and the week start date), they then ask us t...
Guest over 9 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Add additional step to confirm changing capacity units

When changing the Capacity units, the caution text can be overlooked. "Caution: changing the units will clear the estimates for all features in the milestone and make the time tracking history show invalid information." Adding a separate confirmat...
Craig Pflumm almost 5 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Bulk Move Master Features

I would like to be able to copy a release and move master features along with the release from one product line to another.
Guest over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists