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Need template to plan/define/capture Metrics for my product

What is the challenge? no template to work on metrics How would you solve it? new template What impact would it make? defining metrics ahead of the product lifecycle helps us monitor our progress
Guest about 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Allow Aha! Fields in Strategy Templates

We are building out Models & Positioning Templates for our Teams to use that will reference the different Competitor & Persona Profiles but with no way to actually link the records. Templates only allow you to add blank component sections...
Guest about 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Personal OKRs

Who would benefit? Organisations who use the OKR framework What impact would it make? Connect strategy from corporate level, through teams and to individuals. Connect the corporate red thread of strategy to the personal 'what's in it for me'. Help...
Steve Dagless about 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add Products to Strategy/Market

It would be nice to have an out of the box "Products" session in "Strategy/Market" besides "Competitors" focusing on specific applications rather than the general "Competitor" information.
Guest about 2 years ago in Strategy 2 Future consideration

Automatically Place Competitor on the chart based on the score.

Today you need to drag the competitors onto the charts, but that sets the score, even if you have set the score card manually. Which means you need to go back and update the score. It would be more useful if they were placed on the chart first.
Guest about 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Insert views into Strategic Model

It would be nice to be able to insert reports into the Strategic Model, much like how you insert views into a Presentation.
Robert Rodriguez about 5 years ago in Strategy 3 Future consideration

Share (Strategy) Initiatives chart as a webpage

Hi, we wanted to share this view as a webpage with our team members. But the function don't show up. Work around seems to be sharing via Whiteboard or Presentation. But that is not the direct and fastest way.
Guest about 2 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Color code Goals and Initiatives

Who would benefit? Users of the Features Roadmap What impact would it make? Easier to visualize this association to a feature How should it work? Use colors to distinguish the different flags
Guest about 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Option to hide fields on individual personas

When hiding a field on a persona, it will hide the same field on all personas at the same level in the hierarchy. This makes personas usability a little difficult in the example where you want to capture/demonstrate different information for inter...
Rachel Fitton over 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Allow achieved and not started initiatives to be omitted from the "active" board by default.

There aren't enough filters on the Initiative view to allow us to manage them correctly. We have to use reports to get the data in a manageable view. It would be extremely helpful to have the achieved initiatives default OFF of the view just like ...
Wen-Wen Lin over 5 years ago in Strategy 3 Already exists