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Create initiatives and features from Goals view

When looking at the Goals view, it would be nice to be able to create Initiatives directly from the slide-out modal with a "+" button, rather than having to switch to Initiatives view.
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Add initiative timeframe to csv import

So that if you are importing a large number of initiatives you can set the timeframe during the import rather than having to do it manually post-import
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Improved Persona UI and UX ... so client/end-users WANT to have input

I work with clients in a collaborative manner and currently the way our clients (even with full account access) have trouble with the UI and UX .... in that it is very rigid and requires extra "handling" to get them over the line in providing good...
Guest about 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Product Logo to appear in Competitive charts

It's great that I can add my product in the same competitive execute/breadth chart, for example, but my product can't contain a logo like the competitors, so it doesn't look good in a notebook report to a CxO. I would like to add a product logo fo...
Guest over 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Customise epic and feature list columns on related tab for initiatives

It would be great if you could add additional columns / fields within the master feature and feature tables on the Initiative view. This way you could add items such as product, release date, release name etc to add additional visibility alongside...
Mark Evans over 5 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Display Initiative IDs when viewing Initiative Details

When a user is viewing a feature, the feature reference #/ID is displayed near the top by the issue name. It would be extremely useful to list the initiative IDs similarly near the top of the initiative details view. As far as I know, the only way...
Sam Richards over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Add line breaks to Strategy...Overview

The summary text is just printed out with no line break control which means we get this: Wildly talented people who are fully engaged. Hugely powerful codebase of ray tracing and other optical technologies. OpticStudio product is the market leadi...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Option to change the order of the fields on the goals details page

The fixed order of fields on the goals details page enforces logic on the priority of those fields that doesn't match my workflow. For example, when operating at the product line level, the more important field is the Initiatives field, not the Co...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Don't auto-populate initiative start/end dates when clicking Strategy\Roadmap tab

Instead of auto-populating the initiative start/end dates after any user clicks the Roadmap tab (with today's date + 90 days), we would want the dates only populated when a user types it in. We would want the Roadmap tab to just be a blank row if ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Strategy 3 Shipped

A tool to build, run, and process customer development interviews

Before I have ideas I need to talk to customers, explore their problems, and categorise their responses. Having a way to capture those interviews in free-form, and then process the notes into problems to address, would be a great way to start ex...
Guest over 8 years ago in Strategy 3 Shipped