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Global or inherited personas

The new business model and persona builder interface is great, but one of the reasons for specifying personas is that they are commonly shared between products. It would be great if personas could be inherited by child products in a product hiera...
warren lester over 8 years ago in Strategy 7 Already exists

Expand all Goals or Initiatives to see all descriptions

In the Goals and Initiatives pages, you can see the list of Goal and Initiative Headings, but you can't expand all of them to be able to read the descriptions as well. I would like these pages to to be able to 'expand all' so I can scroll and skim...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Strategy 2 Already exists

Focus on more product portfolio views based on bubble charting using values such as revenue/# customers ect

This way we can do better portfolio management as we have several products and from a top down view we would like have. This will help managing the portfolio. I belief Aha should focus on product management and keep away from the development proce...
Guest about 9 years ago in Strategy 4 Already exists

review updates to strategy

When working with the Strategy components or Product overview, I often want to make tentative adjustments to critical bits but am afraid either somebody will notice and be confused or unhappy, or nobody will notice. With a distributed team focused...
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists