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Categorise personas by User or Buyer

Being able to categorize personas by User Persona or Buyer Persona makes it easier to find what you're looking for.
Julie Edwards about 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Provide a means to globally disable the automatic start and end date configuration for initiatives

Currently when creating a new initiative, the set start and end data for initiatives is default enabled. Create a means to globally default that setting to disable.
Gavin Saldanha over 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Detailed Strategy Roadmap to work on initiative prioiritizing and scheduling but with on-the-spot information.

The strategy roadmap (image with purple bars) have a great ability to freely move bars around for scheduling and freely extend/shrink the bars for time adjustments. However, when this roadmap is in the meeting room with a larger number of people o...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Add multiple pages for Business Plan

We really like the Business Plan page. We would like the ability to add multiple pages of this to avoid scrolling. This will help as your implementation of the PPT feature is rolled out.
Guest about 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Initiative 2x2 Map (effort/value) needs a filter for Goals

The current Initiative 2x2 (value/effort) map shows all Initiatives for all goals but for review purposes I want to be able to filter my discussion at times to just one goal. Then switch to the next goal.
Joseph Flynn about 7 years ago in Strategy 1 Unlikely to implement

Extract a collated report of Competitors

It is great to be able to view each competitor and their related detail. It would be super valuable to be able to extract a report that shows a collated view of all the Competitors data. This would give an indication of trends that could be noted ...
Guest about 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Enhance Initiatives Roadmap Functionality

As a Product Manager, I want the ability to show stakeholders a more robust roadmap so that I can show project plans at the epic/initiative level. Currently, this level of detail exists at the release level however, initiatives/epics often span re...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Custom chart on Initiative page

I hope this isn't too specific to my co's implementation of Aha. I find the Effort/Value chart on the Initiative page useless. I would love to have a chart similar to the Strategy->Overview diagram, to add detailed info like Scope, Risks, e...
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Strategy 2 Unlikely to implement

Option to hide the effort/value chart for goals and initiatives

The effort/value chart for goals and initiatives takes up a huge amount of screen real estate and doesn't really provide a lot of value. I would rather see a linkage of some kind between goals and ideas, or the roadmap right there on the same scre...
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Pragmatic product marketing Grid support

I have always like the idea of having a product scorecard that allows you to track product performance... this could be in part manual entry... but having the pragmatic product marketing grid with the ability to make each box Red, Amber or Green w...
Jason Nash over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement