Support Initiatives Report View to include Changes of status with dates
In program reviews, it is incredibly helpful to be able to surface up changes on initiatives from previous meeting. Being able to have a change date like what features have would enable to provide a report or view of initiatives that have dropped ...
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Terminology alignment with Idea Portal and Aha! ideas
Aha! provides a great functionality to change terminology in the idea portal, but it is not reflected back into Aha! idea functionality.
Example. You can change 'Votes' to 'Likes'. The portal reflects the changes. The Aha! UI for ideas still say...
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Retroactively apply automation to features/ideas that were prior before the rule.
We are hoping to either: 1) Set-up a manual automation trigger for features created prior to an automation rule or 2) Have an option to retroactively apply a new automation rule too all features or just new features.
Noa Braun
over 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Starter roadmap - Features have the same start date they should auto vertically stack
When creating a starter roadmap I like to drag and drop new features into release. If two features have the same start date they should auto vertically stack otherwise a user won’t see the feature below the other one.
almost 7 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
We often find ourselves to look for when certain features are on the roadmap. It would be great we could have a filter on the Features Dashboard, much like the features list view. So, I could see a filtered dashboard that shows me only certain tag...
Currently when requesting work from another workspace via the to-do feature, the only way to change the response (e.g. changing from rejected to approved) is to delete the workspace then adding it back in. Would be great if there's a simpler way t...
William Wang
over 3 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
In my custom created views I would like to be able to click a data point and change it without opening the story. For instance, this would be a nice way to update status of tasks or stories.
over 3 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Add the work done field to the feature cards and feature details
When the features are displayed, it would be very helpful to see the work done field in each feature card and in the feature details.
Now if I want to see the work done, I have to click on the card and check the timetracking history
almost 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists