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Ability to remove footer information from embedded view

As a User I want to ability to remove the Aha branding and login link as it looks odd when a Saved View is embedded in another website.
Gary Cohen almost 5 years ago in  0 Already exists

Add support for Landscape mode on mobile devices

Add support for Landscape mode on mobile devices with <14" screens
Guest over 3 years ago in Mobile 0 Future consideration

Follow other portal user's Ideas

Some of our more active Portal Users have started to recognize each other's names, and are often interested in each other's approaches. If I've seen submissions/votes by Tom Smith that I often like, I want to click on his profile and subscribe to...
Susan Parker over 6 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Feature requirements should allow estimates

There should be a field for entering a requirement estimate, just as you can for an overall feature. The sum of all requirement estimates should roll up to the feature.
Kristian Kauper about 10 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Archive for presentations and reports

We have a lot of reports and presentations, and a lot of collaborators too. One of my collaborators accidentally deleted a presentation (despite the warnings) and now I have to remake it. It would be helpful to have an "archive" or a "trash bin" w...
Nadim Sobhani over 3 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

User Access Role Selection

Use Case: We get requests to change user roles for multiple users. Currently we need to open each user’s account and change the role, using the Account level > billing > user access module. Ask: We would like the ‘Role’ to be a selection lis...
Guest over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Tag descriptions (to display in tooltip on hover)

Similarly to how custom fields can have optional descriptions. The same would be good for tags, so that additional information (essentially explaining the tag in more detail) can be conveyed to other users. This would reduce the need to either cre...
Sam Banks about 5 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Navigate to Integrations Log from the Integration Updates window

When looking for further details around the integrations i.e. to see if a webhook has fired or whether there are any errors, you have to go to Settings -> Product -> Integration. It would be helpful if the option to "View Integration Log" wa...
Guest over 6 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Integrations 2.0 Import candidates notification should appear regardless of the selected product

As a product owner managing multiple products in Aha!, it is time consuming to have to switch between each product I manage in order to see if there are new import candidates. The notification should appear for me when there are import candidates ...
Todd Meyer over 6 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Provide the ability to ingest issues created directly in a linked Github repository

I am currently utilizing Aha! and have it linked to several of our team's Github repos. The functionality to create issues in Aha and send to to Github works great. However we often have cases where issues get created in repos directly. When those...
Guest over 8 years ago in GitHub 0 Unlikely to implement