Add ability to sync custom table one to many field with AZURE DevOps Fields
I would like to be able to sync a one to many custom field, that links ties to a custom table, we have added to our requirements (PBIs), with the iteration path from DevOps. This does not appear to be possible. The reason for this is that we have ...
Request additional information when idea is interesting
We do not want to request a lot of information when we invite someone to add an idea. If the idea is interesting, we might want to add additional fields, so the user/customer includes additional information like: Video pitch Images Benefits / Cost...
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow additional fields to be added to Release Dependency VIsualization
Currently, the Visualization link in the Release Record links only shows the Release Name and Release Status. I'd like to add other fields such as, but not limited to, Release Date.
To Show year only once along the axis in a bar chart when we represent data by year and month
currently when we use year field in a bar chart it gets displayed for all the month bars along the axis, it will be looking good if it displays only once (grouped for all months) along the axis.
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
So plotting something by a date series works great. However you can not plot more than one thing against a date series at the same time. you always have to select a set of data for the y-axis. this is a real weakness in your chart offering, it mak...
Mike Lowery
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to share reports/dashboards to ideas portal
It is currently possible to add roadmap views to the ideas portal as part of pages. I think we should improve this functionality to include other reports or dashboards
Stuart Blair
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists