Automatically Place Competitor on the chart based on the score.
Today you need to drag the competitors onto the charts, but that sets the score, even if you have set the score card manually. Which means you need to go back and update the score. It would be more useful if they were placed on the chart first.
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Very often, when I try to create a chart with my data, I have many group labels which go one on top of another - leading to a mess. I would like to be able to manually adjust these labels.
Alexander Zakharov
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Description Template for Requirements and Features
in effort to promote best practices with feature and requirement writing, it would be helpful to configure a template for descriptions. As we onboard new Product Managers, and centralize our product management practices, we are looking to improve ...
Josh Wayne
about 3 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Searchable custom tables list from relationship field creation
Is it possible to either alphabetize or make searchable the list of custom table selection within relationship fields? It is pretty time consuming to scroll through hundreds for the exact selection needed. Some organizations utilize hundreds of cu...
Russell Glenn
about 2 years ago
Future consideration
Currently, anybody receiving a Campaign (Features) To-do notification receives it the day before and on the day the campaign task is due. The option to choose the frequency a person receives a notification, such as just on the due date, would be u...
about 7 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
I would like the ability to share records (initiatives, releases, epics, and features) as webpages so that I can easily share views from Aha! with non-Aha! users. This is really helpful when I need to quickly share status with users who do not wor...
Nathaniel Collum
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Inside Aha, where we can see the Ideas posted, would be great if we could filter by last activity. So if an old idea gets a new comment, or something like that, we can sort by date.
Or any sort of activity, merge, internal comments, etc...
Have a simple banded colouring option for requirement rows in pivot table
As a product manager wanting to share pivot tables with other teams, I would like to be able to choose a simple colour scheme for colouring requirement rows. Today I have multiple ways to do this, but most people assume the colours mean something ...
Kevin M
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration