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Include custom requirements fields in CSV upload into Aha

We have several teams who use the Aha CSV uploader to help cut down on manual entry time for recurring projects. It would be helpful if they were able to add custom requirements fields to the features uploader. As our company begins to scale, the ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 2 Unlikely to implement

Banner picture for persona could be different

i don't want to spend time formatting a picture to get it to fit such a narrow banner. I would like it to be round or square. that is my feedback ;)
Kate D almost 2 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

Add Custom fields in the TO Do

We would like to have "color state" and other fields in the To Do object to help us filter and track the ToDos
Vered Yosub almost 3 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

I would like to be able to see wrapped headers in this Custom Table list

As a user of the Custom Tables, I found that some of the titles are too long and I would like to see them wrap. I do not always want to rename them to something shorter. I would like to be able to see wrapped headers in this Custom Table list.
Pamela Thomas over 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Give reviewers edit rights for ideas

Reviewers can create ideas from within in Aha!, but can't edit them or vote on them from within Aha!. For public ideas, a reviewer can go to the public portal and vote and add comments -- this helps. But for ideas that are not viewable in the port...
Suzanne Vaughan about 10 years ago in Ideas 2 Unlikely to implement

Add Phases and Milestones to Initiatives

As a user of Aha, I want to be able to add phases and milestones to initiatives, so that I can track important work streams relating to an initiative. Today, the only way to track work streams, phases or milestones is to create a release. However...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Strategy 2 Unlikely to implement

Display "last updated" date on the notes page (Info > Notes)

Displaying the "last updated" date as part of the notes page (without needing to drill into version history) would provide viewers and the kb owner with quick insight on how up-to-date the note is.
Matt Case over 4 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Administrative clean up tools

As an admin of Aha, I would like to see history and data on workspaces, fields, tags and custom fields so I can clean up the system on a regular basis. Knowing when a field was created, by whom , where it's used would be great. I , I know some of ...
Fatimah Gorin over 4 years ago in Application 5 Future consideration

Admin permissions to change statuses in a fixed workflow

What is the challenge? In a fixed workflow, objects cannot move backwards in status. This is mostly fine, except when a user accidentally clicks the transition button or if the approval group mistakenly approves/rejects an approval. The only way t...
Sharon Hu 6 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Edit work schedule from the team details

What is the challenge? I'm unable to edit the work schedule when accessing it while viewing a team for team capacity planning. I have to click out of my screens, then navigate to the work schedule tab under Settings > Account > Customization...
Becca Bommarito 6 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration