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Showing 1658

Add ability to bulk remove assigned users from a record

What is the challenge? When users are disabled within the account, they are visible in list reports within the assigned to and user custom fields. The bulk edit function does not allow for the removal of these users in the report. What is the impa...
Ashley Tierney about 2 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

left navigation pane not displaying for finished web KB in Edge.

What is the challenge? left navigation pane not displaying for finished web KB in Edge. What is the impact? Describe your idea left navigation pane not displaying for finished web KB in Edge.
Mark T 2 months ago in Knowledge base 1 Already exists

A way to seamlessly document Risks and Issues

What is the challenge? There is no easy way to document Risks and Issues in Aha What is the impact? We need to document these in separate areas that cause us to go outside of the Aha system, causing clunkiness and rework. Describe your idea Add a ...
Guest 2 months ago in Dependencies 0 Already exists

Error Moving pages under Knowledge section

What is the challenge? After moving one page under Knowledge section, no more pages can be added by the + sign within folders or notes. What is the impact? Unable to move or reorganize notes, pages, documents and folders within Knowledge section D...
Guest 2 months ago in Knowledge base 1 Already exists

Importing of Workspaces

What is the challenge? When importing new workspaces you cannot show what parent line to add to What is the impact? Workspaces are uploaded without a parent line Describe your idea Please provide the ability to tag the parent line in the import sc...
Justin B 2 months ago in Application 0 Already exists

Customize Record Cards Bug

What is the challenge? When I add tags to my record card using the 'customize record cards bug' model on the Aha Whiteboards feature, the tags do not appear on the record card displayed on my whiteboard. I do not see any tags even when I "size to ...
Guest 2 months ago in Whiteboards 1 Already exists

Show ideas created by me as an Aha User or when logged into the portal

What is the challenge? When I go the ideas portal and select 'My Ideas', I can only see ideas I created as a portal user. I cannot see ideas I created within the Aha interface as an Aha user. What is the impact? I'm not able to see all the ideas I...
Eliza Crawford 2 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

Is there an API to Create/Update/Delete features.

What is the challenge? Information is on Jira What is the impact? Double work. Describe your idea Get either integration with Jira or expose an api so we can update from another system.
Guest 3 months ago in API 0 Already exists

I cannot import CSV files for to-do bulk uploads

What is the challenge? I cannot import CSV files for bulk uploads of To-do's What is the impact? This makes task creation longer and time consuming Describe your idea Please fix this
Geoffrey Melle 3 months ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Copy and paste objects from one whiteboard to another

What is the challenge? if i want to copy a whiteboard table filled with structured objects like notes and diagrams it is not possible to copy and paste that onto another whiteboard (example here is consolidating work between to domains) What is th...
Nicolai Andersen 3 months ago in Whiteboards 3 Already exists