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Add search/filter options to history

What is the challenge? When reviewing the history of an epic/story/release, I have to search through many pages to locate what I need. What is the impact? Significant reduction of time spent searching for historical data Describe your idea Add an ...
Tashia Mossman 18 days ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Allow idea name to be in later steps of dynamic form

What is the challenge? Currently in an ideas portal layout, the idea name must be present on the first "step" of a dynamic form. It can be helpful for a user to go through other questions first before entering their idea name. What is the impact? ...
Emily Yankush 19 days ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

If you mention a user in a comment it should add them to the list of followers

What is the challenge? In order to drive more engagement and keep people up to date with feature requests that they are or should be interested in it's often required to add them as followers, if you mention someone in a comment it would make sens...
Guest 19 days ago in Comments / Notifications / Ideas 0 Future consideration
151 VOTE

Require fields by status

I have certain fields that need to be filled in before moving to the next status in my workflow. The data for these fields is not known in the previous statuses, so it can't be set as a required field before the record reaches a certain status. Th...
Bonnie Trei over 3 years ago in Features 11 Future consideration

Add the ability to map Idea status to Promoted Record status

Who would benefit? Administrators and Product Managers What impact would it make? Reduce the number of automations for Administrators to maintain and manual steps for Product Managers How should it work? Add a configuration option to map Idea stat...
Neal Maeyama 6 months ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Add "work stalled" delivery risk

What is the challenge? Large programs with lots of features in motion, it can be hard to spot if a feature has stalled. What is the impact? We don't have enough time to react properly and help the stalled feature in a more proactive way. Describe ...
Mike Lowery 29 days ago in Roadmaps 0 Already exists

Visible Loading Indicator

What is the challenge? Slow loading Idea popup without loading indicator What is the impact? UX/UI Improvement / Clarify application state to user Describe your idea Could you increase the size of the three-dot loading indicator inside Ideas popup...
Guest 2 months ago in Ideas 0 Likely to implement

Show linked release information in ideas portal ahead of release

What is the challenge? Our stakeholders want to understand when their ideas may be released, and what release they are associated to. This would help with visibility and planning. What is the impact? without this, stakeholders may see a status of ...
Veronica Melin about 2 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

"Start numbering at" or "Continue numbering" option for ordered lists

What is the challenge? We currently have no way to set the beginning number of an ordered list What is the impact? Limited options for intersplicing media in step lists, broken lists Describe your idea Just need a "Start numbering at" or "Continue...
Jeremy Bruno 4 months ago in Notes 1 Future consideration
136 VOTE

Dashboard Dynamic Filters

Ability to filter reports dynamically in the dashboard. For example, apply an initiative filter to all reports in the dashbaord so I don't have to create multiple dashboards showing the same information for different initiatives.
Erin Jones over 3 years ago in Reports 22 Future consideration