Show features as exceeding workflow capacity, rather than automatically pushing them out of a release
It would be helpful if, rather than pushing feature cards into the next release, features appeared as red or errored when they exceed workflow capacity for a release. This way these features that were never manually moved won't suddenly disappear ...
Micaela Heck
about 9 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
It is possible to vote more than once on the same idea
Created an idea on our Aha! Ideas yesterday from home.
When I got in to work today it was possible for me to vote once again on my own idea.
I'm using the same account but from different computers and different locations.
about 9 years ago
in Ideas
Will not implement
Ability to link idea submissions to business cases
I know I can add a custom field and put in a url or location to a business case after it has been produced, but I would like a way to prompt the idea submitter to be prompted to download and link to a business case template (and then upload or lin...
Jesse Stein
about 9 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Add field for "Original" or "Primary" Assignee for features
When we create a feature that becomes work for a developer in JIRA, we assign the ticket to a primary/original developer. When the work is done the ticket is assigned for code review and then again for QA. What gets lost is who the primary/origina...
Cy Caine
about 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
The colored features tags that appear at the features board are linked to the default "Tags" property. I would like to configure fixed values for "Tags" property.
about 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Show also the related features name instead of the related feature link.
If I add a Bug Fix related with an existing feature I would like to link the bug fix to the feature and see both names at features list.
about 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
I would like my customers to see other's ideas but if certain values are different, they can simply spawn a new idea off the original. This new idea would have the same fields populated and allow the customer to change the ones they'd like.
about 9 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Features by Person List on Home-My Work Screen too granular
Currently the page referenced above provides a very useful summary with these headings:
Assigned to me
Created by me
All features (by assignee)
All features (by status)
The problem with this it only allows me to view one "release" at at time. Fo...
Cy Caine
about 9 years ago
in My work
Future consideration
Deconflate Competing Vendors and Competing Products or Services
The current Aha metamodel (view of the world) characterizes "Competitors" as One Trick Pony vendors that sell one Product or Service that is competitive to the Aha Product Owner's organization. This is a conflation of the concept of an external ac...
Lonnie VanZandt
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement