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Enable notifications for workflow status

As a user of the idea portal, I would like to be notified when a features moves from one status to another. At the moment, I can only subscribe to a single feature, which is very unfortunate for quite a lot of features to watch.
Marcus Schubert over 3 years ago in Features 2 Already exists

Google Launch Cal

I know its not good to compare what the competition is doing, but just stumbled on this site, and thought it had great automation and process flow around stakeholder communication and launch releases that it would be worth evaluating how Aha stack...
Guest over 3 years ago in Calendar 1 Future consideration

Repository for competitor reviews

When doing competitor reviews, sometimes we are comparing the different companies on a matrix. However, the way the workspaces are organised they only allow for deep dives into each individual competitor. We would need an space to save this docume...
Guest over 3 years ago in Account settings 2 Future consideration

Filter choice for Due date to include next x number of days

We need a way to have a generic report that includes all items with a due date in the next number of days (in our case 1 year) we want this dynamic so we don't have to change the filter on the saved report continually.
David G over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Allow search on summary and title fields

Currently search terms are applied to the entire record. This means that any search returns many more results with the chances of finding the desired one diminishing.
Guest over 3 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Configure Tags: Ability to Sort/Filter to clean up Tags

Tags are used often. Sometimes a typo is made and the person deletes the tags from the Feature, Idea, etc. to create a new one. There is no easy way to try to clean up the Tag list. If I want to look for any tag that is not used by any Feature, Id...
Guest about 7 years ago in Application 1 Already exists

Provide a means to globally disable the automatic start and end date configuration for initiatives

Currently when creating a new initiative, the set start and end data for initiatives is default enabled. Create a means to globally default that setting to disable.
Gavin Saldanha about 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Re-use a Persona in 1 to n products

Once you create a persona it should let you assign it to different products (even products in different product lines). With the current capability, if you create a persona at a product line level, ALL child products inherit this persona. In many ...
Guest about 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Will not implement

Provide a way to see which requirement contribute to the remaining estimate

From the estimate remaining field on the summary screen see which requirements make up the remaining when this is set based on requirements or expose the requirements estimate in the collapsed view for requirements.
David G over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Limited access for project team members

We are using Aha! to track projects and programs and if there was a role that allowed project managers and team members to update specific attributes of a schedule, activity or requirement it would increase buy in for the use of Aha! for the proje...
Chris Brooks over 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration