When using custom score cards to calulate cost, AHa allows the input metrics to have a Prefix and Suffix. I have added a prefix of a $ which represents the input as dollars. On the total side, there is no way to denote the total is $.
For clari...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Templatize Description Field / Sync Custom Fields to GitHub
Our devs ask that when we submit features that we provide them with a Who, What and a Why since it helps them with context. I created a custom template with those fields but they do not sync to GitHub. It would be cool to either allow users to cre...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
As a user, I would like the Master Features vs Features indicator to stand our more. So many times, I go to the features board get alarmed because I'm not seeing what I'm expecting to see. After I calm down, I realize that the view is flipped to m...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
Alternate hierarchy to manage work through different lens
We look at the same Initiatives through two lenses: (1) the product lens, which Aha! solves really well; and (2) the program lens, which Aha! does not solve for.
The idea is to have an Alternate Hierarchy in Aha!, such that the same initiative c...
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
As an Aha! administrator, I would like to control who sees banners from Aha! so that they don't blow past my banners thinking they are things from Aha! that they don't really need to read. I've learned from several of my users that they are not re...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
To-Dos can be defined at different levels of Work Items. Pivot reports should let you have this differentiation to show across all levels based on the report configuration. We would like to show the To-Dos associated with a Release, then the Featu...
Andrew Brazel
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
I can only search 1 word with no spaces on the history search screen. For example when I search for the phrase "End Date" quotes or no quotes I do not get any hits, but If I just search on "End" then I get results for "End Date"
Jerome D
over 2 years ago
in Search
Future consideration
There are a few scenarios when Ideas need to be merged but the current vote count logic doesn't currently cater for all of these.
1. The idea is functionally an exact duplicate but just different verbiage
2. The idea is the same concept / them...
Justin Woods
over 7 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
We have our company set up on the root-level in Aha with the product lines underneath this. For global visibility, we would like to give our marketing team the ability to add competitors to the very top company level, which then propagates down to...
Pieter van Aarde
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Allow a default value setup for Organization on proxy voting form
It is not always we can have an organization for a proxy vote. If we cannot remove this as a required field on the proxy vote, we need to at least have the option to set a default value for Organization.
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration