Similar to "Status changed to <status 1>", have a 'feature start date' changed to <new feature state date>. Do the same with due date & any custom date field.
This would allow control of feature date schedules & identify those date changes quickly.
Tom Gallo
almost 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Tean, It would be great if i am able to create scorecard for multiple product and visualise it so i am able to decide which product priotities. currently this feature available at featrure level but not for product
In all the description fields (in addition to bold/italic/underline/bullet points and so on), I'd like to have the "format painter" that exists in Office suite so that I can copy the formatting of a text to another text.
Emilie Takeda
over 9 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
I have created a dashboard epics roadmap and saved it as a view. When I filter what I want to show, I choose goals under the releases section so I can show what broad goals we're trying to focus on for that release. However, the goals in the final...
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
When adding charts to the presentation we want to be able to add a few charts to the same slide, but when we resize the charts the legend is not readable, we need to adjust the font size to be able to pull in multiple chart views into the same slide
Ruth Gardiner
over 2 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
as a product owner, i need to know what card is highest priority in the under consideration column (at least) in order to pick the most important card up for analysis unlike right now, there is a random order applied that does not correlate to any...
over 2 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Ability to add a templated format for user stories
I would like to add a template for the description field (and a text field in general) in order to promote a standard approach to story structure. e.g. AS A.... I WANT... SO THAT. GIVEN...WHEN...THEN
Becca C
over 2 years ago
in Features
Already exists
When I receive multiple notifications on comments to a single feature, they are scattered throughout all my notifications. Additionally, I end up seeing the most recent one first, open the feature and read all the comments. Then as I read the rest...
Feature List "Initiative Filter" menu should reflect initiative "roll-up" for group selection
The "Initiative" filter on the Feature List page treats all groups of initiatives as "equal". It would be really nice if it would display based on the initiative roll-up, and then automatically select all the 'child' initiatives when setting the f...
over 9 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration