When editing scorecard values, I often have to scroll to get to the values I want. The modal for editing is rather large given the amount of information present. Additionally, when you have a small number of increments, it's hard to find the exact...
Jonathan Steel
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
My users are getting bombed with update emails that don't make clear what has been updated. This is causing frustration, confusion, and mass un-subscribes to what should be important updates.
Trigger Idea Automation Rule based on Idea Category
If someone submits an idea using a specific category I want to be able to configure an automation rule to trigger based on that category. For example: I want a to-do automatically sent to Joe for Ideas submitted with category A. I want a to-do aut...
Joe Galanti
over 4 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
In workflows, add the ability to limit setting a certain status to certain users.
In workflows, most of the time a status like "approved" is available. However, at the moment everybody can set this status, so it pretty useless.
If only certain users (e.g. with a certain role) could set the status to approved it suddenly gets v...
over 9 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
We have a situation where we want to link a subrelease in one product line to a Master release in another product line.We would like to be able to connect these even though they are on different product lines.
David G
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Similar to "Status changed to <status 1>", have a 'feature start date' changed to <new feature state date>. Do the same with due date & any custom date field.
This would allow control of feature date schedules & identify those date changes quickly.
Tom Gallo
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When I receive multiple notifications on comments to a single feature, they are scattered throughout all my notifications. Additionally, I end up seeing the most recent one first, open the feature and read all the comments. Then as I read the rest...