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Ability to configure a banner message per ideas portal

Ability to configure a banner message per ideas portal
Joe Galanti over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

Better diffing in update emails

My users are getting bombed with update emails that don't make clear what has been updated. This is causing frustration, confusion, and mass un-subscribes to what should be important updates.
Guest about 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Already exists

Important dates for the calendar view

My team is trying to become more deadline oriented and having the option to view our feature requests with their due dates AND our sprint schedule in the calendar view would be super helpful. Right now our sprint schedule lives in excel and person...
Guest over 2 years ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration

Allow deletion of types and other data while still in use

There are several places in Aha! where we disallow a user action because an object is in use. For example, users can't delete a custom type while records are using it. We already have an elegant solution in place for this when changing from one wo...
Bryan McElhinney over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Trigger Idea Automation Rule based on Idea Category

If someone submits an idea using a specific category I want to be able to configure an automation rule to trigger based on that category. For example: I want a to-do automatically sent to Joe for Ideas submitted with category A. I want a to-do aut...
Joe Galanti over 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

In workflows, add the ability to limit setting a certain status to certain users.

In workflows, most of the time a status like "approved" is available. However, at the moment everybody can set this status, so it pretty useless. If only certain users (e.g. with a certain role) could set the status to approved it suddenly gets v...
Guest over 9 years ago in Account settings 2 Unlikely to implement

Sub release in different product lines

We have a situation where we want to link a subrelease in one product line to a Master release in another product line.We would like to be able to connect these even though they are on different product lines.
David G over 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Similar to "Status changed to <status 1>", have a 'feature start date' changed to <new feature state date>. Do the same with due date & any custom date field.

This would allow control of feature date schedules & identify those date changes quickly.
Tom Gallo over 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Copy or share Initiatives between Products/Product Llines

In a product line with heavy integration between products, it would be helpful to be able to copy or share Initiatives between products.
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Group comments together in notifications

When I receive multiple notifications on comments to a single feature, they are scattered throughout all my notifications. Additionally, I end up seeing the most recent one first, open the feature and read all the comments. Then as I read the rest...
Jonathan Steel over 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration