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Report To-Dos at All Levels in Roadmap Pivot

To-Dos can be defined at different levels of Work Items. Pivot reports should let you have this differentiation to show across all levels based on the report configuration. We would like to show the To-Dos associated with a Release, then the Featu...
Andrew Brazel almost 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Fix search bar on history search screen

I can only search 1 word with no spaces on the history search screen. For example when I search for the phrase "End Date" quotes or no quotes I do not get any hits, but If I just search on "End" then I get results for "End Date"
Jerome D almost 2 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Attach a link

In addition to being able to attach files, it would be helpful to be able to attach links. Many times, relevant information is a web page instead of a file. Today, we can only embed links in text fields, such as Description and Comments. I put thi...
Tom Beck almost 6 years ago in Account settings 3 Already exists

Enable the ability to show start/end dates for Releases, Phases, Milestones, and Release Dates to be shown within the exported Roadmapping view.

When projects span over a year or more it is hard to get a good sense of exact dates further than what month they may land in. Enabling the ability to have all dates shown right on each roadmap for Releases, Phases, Milestones, and Release Dates w...
Guest over 7 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists

Auto resort on feature tab based on specified field

As a frequent aha user within the feature tab of AHA, it would be useful for the system to allow me to specify what feature field i want the order of my features to sort by within the various releases as well as the ability for me to identify if I...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Filtering master features on feature roadmap

Under Reports / Roadmap / Features in customize view we select "show master features" as we want to show both master features and features we can add filter on feature tags : this works fine but if we add filter on master tags for e.g. : it isn't...
Agnes Muller almost 6 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Ability to create custom fields with context

When we create custom field in AHA we want the ability to create context for each product so that we can see only values which are relevant to a specific product. For example Team A, Team B and Team C are related to Product 1, we do not want to se...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Product 0 Already exists

Ability to multiple sort list reports

I would like to multi-sort list reports - aka first a Tier, then release date, then status. Right now I can only sort on one column at a time.
Ally Bernstein almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Don't allow duplicate "tags" with grammatical differences, caps/no caps, etc.

Tags – the Aha! system allows you to create the same tag multiple times with “caps” & no caps. Example: “National” and “national” – they are created as separate tags, even though it's the same thing, just grammatically different. The tag list ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Idea list filters

It's bad enough that I have to apply a filter to see only ideas related to a specific product but the fact that the filter includes products that don't even have any ideas is really annoying. If I the product has no ideas then the user shouldn't b...
Tom Beck almost 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration