View number of organizations that voted for an idea in reports
Often an idea receives votes from a lot of people from a single organization. However, an idea that receives 5 votes from different companies shows a greater interest than an idea that received 5 votes from one company. These votes from the same o...
Niklas Gromann
almost 2 years ago
in Voting
Already exists
Notifications for @mentions should include my name so I know it's for me
When someone mentions me on a feature, it would really be great if the email that I get said something to indicate that. As it stands, the subject reads:[AHA] PERSON commented on FEATURE It's not descriptive, and it caused me to miss a bunch of im...
almost 9 years ago
in My work
Already exists
Hey Aha Team, we get flooded by a customer organization regarding idea votes - the encourage their employees to vote for a specific idea with 20 different user accounts to bump up the idea into the top 5. We want to justify the voting process to a...
Product M
almost 2 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Make it easier to find Roadmaps/Reports and Dashboard, by adding favourites to the top Navigation
I often hear from users, or witness in video calls user struggling to find their roadmaps or Reports. It would be great, if you could pin your favourites to the top navigation. There is a lot of empty/unused space in the top Menu, which could be u...
Andrew Brooks
over 3 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
There are instances where we run into a situation that upon shipping a release, features that are not in done status will move to the next slated release in the workspace. This is not ideal, as features in one release may not relate to the other, ...
Anh Truong
over 3 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
on 'add new filter' screen, add tooltip or text to show what record type the filter relates to
If I am filtering for release date, this filter could relate to the release tied to a feature, or to a master feature, or to a initiative, or goal, etc. If I have a view that has more than one of these data elements, it isn't obvious at all - it i...
Jill Collins
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration