Right now, we show a quick action to 'Assign to me' for the Assigned to field on a record. This is very helpful! Similarly helpful would be an option to 'Remove assignee' or some quick way to unassign a record without being forced to scroll all th...
Todd Meyer
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Show only selected product when filtering by Goal Name
When filtering by Goal Name, such as on the Features Board, the list of goals to choose from includes all goals from all products. When your visible product line space includes over 50 products, the list of goals becomes really long. This makes se...
Dan Eisenhut
over 6 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When I have selected a whiteboard object, when I start typing, it should start typing in it
Aha! is too aggressive about watching for hotkeys, even when I've selected an object I want to type in. I have to "double click" to type in it. I love the interactions behaviors of Miro -- bring more of those into Aha!
over 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
We have over 250+ custom fields being utilized by various workspaces. Because we cannot assign a custom field to a particular workspace all 250+ fields are visible in every filter in every workspace. If we could have the ability to define which wo...
Jake Ludwinski
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
We currently have no way for Rally to tell Aha that a feature is fully groomed. This would help considerably to give Product team visibility to the feature grooming status in AHA for PI Planning and priority alignment. Aha has a feature status of ...
almost 7 years ago
in Features / Rally
Future consideration
Within Marketing, Business and Project Lines, the customize terminology setting is broken and creates an inconsistent user experience that confuses users. Within the 'Customize Terminology' setting (Settings > Product Line > Terminology), if...
Carl Ambrus
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Initiative and Goals values in List Lookup dependent on each other
When entering a new feature, it would be nice that when you select a Goal the initiative list is only those associated with the goal. This would also work vice-versa, that when you enter an initiative, only the goals associated with that initiativ...
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration