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Indicate confidence metric with score on feature card

With the new confidence metric available on scorecards and the ability to adjust a score over time, when reviewing relative scores on a feature board (and elsewhere that scores appear) it would be useful to see an indication of the confidence leve...
Tim Sachs over 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ignoring blanks or text in pivot avg calculations

Currently when using the "Within cells list as" average values in a pivot table, the tool seems to treat blanks and text like "N/A" as zeros, which drastically reduces the Avg. Specific use case for context: As a product manager, I want to underst...
Reut Levi over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add ability to enter in a ranking for features and master features to organize

In order to rearrange features in a release we have to move them around and it makes forever when you have 70+ in a release. It would be nice to have a field we could enter in a number and have the relese sort on that field If we chose. Right now ...
Jodie Carson almost 5 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Display number of votes from linked ideas on feature cards

We prefer not to promote ideas to features, but rather link them so that we have more control over the status and the maintenance of history. It is important to me that I be able to see the number of aggregated votes from any linked ideas on the f...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

User Story Map - Add completed/shipped releases

Can you add the ability to add (or re-add) or show completed releases in a user story map. This would enable the full story to be seen on screen.
Steve Podzamsky almost 5 years ago in User story map 1 Future consideration

Allow Feature IDs to be hidden in a Gantt chart

The Gantt charts are great for planning out work, but we often need to show them to clients. In this situation, an automatically generated ID that often bears no relationship to the order in which it's being executed doesn't add any value and can ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Link whiteboard boxes to ideas, features or initiatives

Who would benefit? Product Team What impact would it make? Speed up the planning of new features and initiatives as we wouldn't be duplicating work and can see linked items How should it work? On the Whiteboad, we can already convert a box / item ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Whiteboards 1 Already exists

Filter by requirement name or record ID

Who would benefit? Any team that reports on requirement record types What impact would it make? Allows for filtering for specific requirement records How should it work? Filtering on requirement name and requirement record ID
Emily Millman about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Horizontal Scroll Bar

Currently in Edge there is no scroll bar on the bottom of the page in the Gantt chart. To see what is happening in the future I have to stretch my window out and still cannot see all of the features.
Cody M over 2 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Ability to add dashboard as custom page in ideas portal

The custom pages is becoming a product portal to share info with audience. Missing the ability to share dashboard with metrics created for a certain topic. This makes the portal less relevant since we still need to find a place to share dashboard ...
Ronit Binshtok over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration