My company would like to be able to show the roadmap in an iframe on our company intranet homepage, which is Confluence, in a way that will automatically update when the roadmap is updated. Unfortunately, we only have a small space available and t...
over 6 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Currently, there is no way to download all of our Aha! data in bulk. we an only download all the data for each record type is via the List report under Roadmaps. We can create a list of all records of a specific type (including personas and compet...
Allow renaming of labels in Initiatiatives and other sections
It will be good to have the ability to rename field labels in Initiatives and other sections. For Example we want to rename "To Dos" to "Path to Green" but can rename it in the section.
almost 8 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Please include folder structure in notes section under develop
Please include folder option on the notes section under develop. This will help to organize the notes based on category. Also, would provide a structure when accessing them at a later time.
Rebeka Sultana
over 2 years ago
in Notes
Already exists
Idea portal and promoting an idea to a feature is great great great thing ... however, there are times when features sit in the parking lot long enough and don't move forward and I would then like to demote the feature back to an idea to see if an...
about 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Ability to share reports/dashboards to ideas portal
It is currently possible to add roadmap views to the ideas portal as part of pages. I think we should improve this functionality to include other reports or dashboards
Stuart Blair
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
When clicking the + button to add a new release, it only gives you a very limited number of inputs to create the item, which don't appear to be customisable. When creating a release card, you can determine which items are visible and layout, so th...
Ben Bulow
over 1 year ago
in Releases
Already exists