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Add Description fields for Initiatives as a filter option in reports

Add Description fields as a filter option in reports. MVP options "is blank" "Is not blank" so we can find object records where the description is not filled in.
Eric Cannady almost 3 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Convert Requirement into an Idea (instead of a Feature)

There is already a similar thing to downgrade a feature to an idea. The justification is this - We create an idea for a feature Once we understand it enough to decide if we are going ahead with it, we will commit resource to properly planning it ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Order features by priority

Who would benefit? Features board users What impact would it make? Keep high priority items at top of features list and top of mind. How should it work? There are many options for ranking features but surprisingly this does not include priority. I...
Paul Wade 12 months ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Ability to create a folder structure within the Roadmaps > Overview folders (i.e. add a hierarchy of children folders to the top level folders) so that I can better organize my reports.

Who would benefit? Individual product teams, cross-funtional teams looking across workspaces. What impact would it make? Users could easily find the report they are looking for. How should it work? The folder structure should mimic Box or Dropbox ...
Guest 12 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

When adding data columns to a report, automatically add the corresponding filters

Currently, you have to separately add filters and data columns which is very tedious. It is very often the case that I need to filter a report using many of the same filter fields that are also being used as data columns on the report. We should a...
Todd Meyer over 5 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Option to remain anonymous when submitting an Idea

The current settings in 'Configure Portals' reads ‘allow portal users to be anonymous’ however I’ve since confirmed that there isn’t an option to allow customer's to select this option if preferred. The selection of this box in the configuration m...
Guest over 5 years ago in User management 2 Already exists

Import capacity planning fields via csv

It would be useful to be able to import capacity planning from a csv. This would be great to bulk update features to log time or points and dates.
Guest over 6 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Ability to show products in a specific order on the ideas portal

Currently all products associated with an ideas portal show in an alphabetical order. This is very confusing to users as we group products under different product lines on the backend but unable to do that on the portal. We should have an option t...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy almost 3 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Prompt user to enter a reason for voting on an idea on the ideas portal and only accept the vote when an explanation is provided

Currently with just a click on the vote button users are allowed to vote on an idea without providing a proper explanation as to why they think the idea is worth the vote. We are noticing users just rallying behind a submitted idea without valid r...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy almost 3 years ago in Voting 1 Future consideration

Support integrations when moving features to other products in Azure Devops

As a Product Manager, I need integrations with ADO to be supported when I move a feature from one product to another so that I can continue to stay in sync between Aha! and ADO.
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Features 3 Future consideration