Automatically numbered headings in the description
For longer Epic/Feature descriptions, having numbered headings makes it easier to read and refer to specific parts of the description. I would like to have automatically numbered headings, so I don't have to do this manually, and if I add a headin...
Martin Haitsma
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Don't require a color selection for each sticky note
When brainstorming quickly, it's helpful to be able to pop sticky notes onto a whiteboard, but choosing a color every time slows me down. I would rather have the option to change the color if needed, but have a persistent color selection until tha...
Reilly O'Connor
over 2 years ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Ability to show presentations and other information in new Dashboard
I would like to be able to show Presentations in thew new dashboard. We have a number of Models and Notes that we use for procedural documentation and these are often referenced while reviewing features etc. Having both reports and presentations i...
Donovan West
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Our development workflow has many granular states, like "Ready for testing", "Testing in progress", and "Testing failed." With this granularity, we don't have to ask developers about where the feature is – the status gives us enough information. H...
Jeff Tucker
over 3 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Ability to configure which users can be assigned to features/requirements
Currently every user I add to Aha is showing in the list of users that can be assigned to a feature/requirement. Even if the user is inactive, they still show in the list of users to choose from. I would like to have a check box on the user profil...
Andrew C
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Currently if a report is being used in a large org by multiple teams, there's no clean way for each team to view a version of that report that is relevant to them. They can change the filters on the report but those then impact every other team, w...
Sweth Chandramouli
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Disable Features and Epics from the dev board option
I have worked with Agile teams since 2005 and never have i had a board where you can have epics, features, and stories on the same board. It's really annoying to suddenly find the feature in the backlog planning space has suddenly gone and is now ...
Mike Lowery
over 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
As a user I can set the default report when clicking "View report" from the "Overview" view in the idea portal so that users can easily see a custom report without having to look for it under Roadmaps.
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Provide a consolidated experience for managing personal and workspace notes
Aha! Create provides a consolidated view for managing notes and whiteboards in a list or calendar view. Within Aha! Roadmaps, this is also available via My work > My notes. However, workspace notes are accessed via a different location -- Info ...
Austin Merritt
over 2 years ago
in Notes / Whiteboards
Future consideration
When our team is commenting back on ideas, we want our customers to know they are employees and their title. We would also like customer to be able to edit their profile and show their title.
over 5 years ago
in User management
Future consideration