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Import from CSV - Be able to update existing requirements like you can features

The Import from CSV utility allows for you to perform import updates to existing features by referencing the Feature ID. It would be highly desirable to be able to do the same with existing requirements that are part of the same feature by keying ...
Matt Case almost 8 years ago in Features 2 Will not implement

Field change timestamps via API

What is the challenge? We are tracking our PMs for adherence to ideas review but have run into issues being able to discern when they are reviewing items based on the available timestamps What is the impact? The inability to track changes does not...
Jerimiah Rudden 10 months ago in API 0 Future consideration

I would like to be able to organize custom fields by moving them to other "tabs" on Feature tickets.

What is the challenge? I have too many custom fields on one page when opening a Feature What is the impact? It takes me too long to scroll through the Feature to find the field I need Describe your idea I need to be able to organize custom fields ...
Guest 10 months ago in Features 0 Already exists

Limit Name field in all objects to 255 characters

When integrating to Rally, integrations fail due to Rally's 255 character limit in the matching field. There are no error messages or notifications. This was determined through some back end research. In order to prevent this in the future, we wan...
Karla Johnson about 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Faster presentation PDF Creation

Right now, it takes slightly more than 30 seconds per page to create a PDF of a presentation.  When you change one thing in a 20 paged presentation, this is really cumbersome.  Increasing the speed to get that PDF out prior to an executi...
Guest over 6 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Chart by date groupings

It would be valuable to be able to chart date fields by groupings like, month, quarter year, without needing to use calculated columns. There are so many use cases for charting by date fields. Allowing your users to quickly change the date field g...
Reut Levi almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Default rows in custom tables

I would like to be able to create default rows/values in a custom table. For our use case, we would like a table for DoD which includes several default values from a drop down in a row (i.e. Acceptance Criteria Met, Testing Requirements Met, etc) ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Automation - Populate Team on existing Requirement from Feature

We create features and their requirements before assigning to a team to execute the work. We would like automation to auto-assign any existing requirements to the same team if a team is set at the feature level.
Judith Kilthau over 1 year ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to place an owner on a release phase and have that owner automatically assigned to all to-do tasks

We have a large release checklist to ship our products. We want to organize it by department. We want to have a single owner for each department and we want the to do tasks for each department to have a default assignee by product.
Jonathan Bier over 5 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Specifc Gannt Chart View

I'd like to see a way to only view Milestones of a release in the Gannt Chart view. I'd like to see this done at the release detail level or in the report view.
Guest about 7 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists