Converting sticky notes to other record types should not bypass any required fields processes
When converting sticky notes in a whiteboard to other record types, we don't want users to be able to bypass required field entry for those record types. I have found other areas within Aha! where required field entry can be bypassed when creating...
Emily Millman
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Calendar Report - to allow for an overlay of various calendars i.e features calendar and the to-do list calendar
Similar feature to Outlook overlay with the tabs – this would be epic for yearly planning to ensure sales enablement activities and releases are coordinated effectively.
Natasha Venter
almost 7 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Sort workspaces by the order they appear in the workspace picker
We have organized our workspace hierarchy in a particular way, and would like to have reports (pivot in particular) reflect that order of workspaces. In addition to alphabetic sorting, it would be great to have "hierarchy order" or something like ...
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Customize "Vote" options to custom picklist or the basic facebook 'like' emotions
Voting on an idea is of little value in determining how your users will receive, or want to work with you, on an idea. Some users may vote for anything thats of any value, others may only vote for those ideas they really need. Its an ok data point...
It would be incredibly helpful to be able to filter a report based on a list of specific reference num values (we especially need this at the feature level, but I imagine this would be useful for all objects). Ideally this would be a list of exist...
Gene Lewin
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Aha! Scorecard on Release apply to Master Features and Features
Title. Allow an "Aha! Score" which is applied at the "release" level to allow apply and synchronize to the "linked" Master Features / Features for Product Workspaces.
almost 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Wrap text for initiative names in initiative chart
What is the challenge? The initiative chart is hard to use when initiatives have long titles. What is the impact? Difficult to select and interact with initiatives. see the attached image as an example of the problem. Describe your idea. We would ...
Joe Granville
5 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
In Develop, marking a card as 'Blocked' should NOT automatically add the card to the current sprint
What is the challenge? Cards may need to be marked as 'blocked' prior to entering a sprint, to show us that the work is not yet ready to enter a sprint during sprint planning. What is the impact? By automatically entering the sprint when a card is...
What is the challenge? Balanced Scorecards are a standard framework for businesses to frame their big goals What is the impact? This would allow anybody using BSs to quickly get going and align Goals, Initiatives, and Key Result to the framework. ...
Kathy Landon
5 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration