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Add option to export my workspace hierarchy into a whiteboard

As an Aha! administrator, I need to see a full visual of my workspace hierarchy, especially if we are considering reorganizing our workspaces. It is possible to build a report that includes my workspace names, but it is not possible to reflect the...
Reilly O'Connor almost 2 years ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Ability to set a default landing page per workspace

When using a centralized workspace for Ideas, it can be confusing for users to navigate to other pages like the Features board when going to the Ideas workspace from another workspace. In some cases users are taken to sections of the navigation th...
Stephanie Lechner over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Aha! Automation Needs Improvement

I have a mandatory custom field in Aha! Feature’s form and I would like the field to be non-editable once the release is approved through fixed workflow statuses, so that people could not make any changes there and any exception changes should go ...
Ankush Kumar over 1 year ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Edit/Modify To-Do's completed date

I find that I often forget to check the to-do off on the date that the task was actually completed, but then it logs it as if I had completed the task 3 days late (for example). I'm currently getting around this somewhat by commenting on the to-do...
Guest over 5 years ago in To-dos 3 Future consideration

Sorting options for Organizations and Contacts

Who would benefit? Idea Portal Administrators What impact would it make? Make it easier to monitor and manage user-created Organizations and Contacts How should it work? Ideas Portal users can add Organizations and Contacts via proxy voting (and o...
Amanda K about 1 year ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Aha! API Entity Relationship Diagram/Data Model Documentation

Hi Aha! We would like to have a full understanding on how the various Aha! API endpoints ( relate to each other. Understood there is some customer facing documentation that explains the high-level of the Aha! Data Model. The...
Mike Champlin over 2 years ago in API 0 Future consideration

customer facing aha ideas portal - to have an option (determined by portal owner) on default sort view i.e trending, popular or recent

Who would benefit? end users, consumers of the portal What impact would it make? they could see the most popular ideas at a glance and/or sort by their preference How should it work? you could have a couple of options - either let the user pick th...
Jo Kirkup about 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Strategic Roadmaps Custom appearance for Epics and Features

As a stakeholder I want visual clues to differentiate between epics and features. Since nested views are not available in Strategic roadmaps, it would be great to change appearance of epics to help stakeholders who are not as familiar with the vie...
Victor Lavrentyev almost 4 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Add timestamp to comments

Add time stamp to comments to give more understanding when comment was added.
Guest over 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Will not implement

Explicitly specify folder location when saving new research

Who would benefit? Notebook users creating new research docs What impact would it make? Avoid users operating within notebooks from having to relocate document on each new creation How should it work? One could be given a choice of save location w...
Aha@IBM about 1 year ago in Notes 0 Already exists