The record lists presented in My work almost display everything I need to know to prioritize my day and take action on the most important work. To really use these pages effectively, I need the ability to customize the data presented in the record...
Nathaniel Collum
over 1 year ago
in My work
Future consideration
Do not highlight "Potential duplicates" for ideas in both Production and Sandbox
What is the challenge? There is a feature which displays in a request with text of "Potential duplicates were discovered." By clicking on a hypertext link of 'Review', there is a display of the potential duplicates. This feature is useful only whe...
Enable daily capacity allocation when records have a mix of initial advanced estimates and detailed estimates
As work is done on a record, the detailed estimate field can be used to update the remaining work. Currently, when there is a mixture of initial advanced and detailed estimates, the daily capacity allocation for the team doesn't account for the de...
Ability to configure scope of selection for custom "users field"
What is the challenge? Based on our use case, we need the ability to configure the scope of selection for the custom "users field" What is the impact? Not able to configure the scope of selection. Describe your idea Need ability to configure the s...
Hank Liu
7 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Ability to interact with report filters on dashboard
What is the challenge? The filters used to generate a report do not appear on the dashboard panel of that report, so to update them you need to open the full report and save your changes, then return to the dashboard. What is the impact? This make...
3 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to export roadmap report to powerpoint or excel
What is the challenge? Currently, the roadmap report can only be exported to .png or .pdf. No option for powerpoint or excel. What is the impact? Excel and Powerpoint are very popluar application for PMs and managers to consolidate date and make p...
Megan Fang
4 months ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
What is the challenge? Automations currently make it possible to pass values from one record to another, such as users and dates. We need the ability to set the same choice lists across records. What is the impact? We often plan our work by compon...
Nathaniel Collum
3 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Add "Initiative columns delivery risks" field to reports similar to the one for features
What is the challenge? There is a "Feature columns delivery risks" field available in reporting for features that summarizes all the delivery risks for that feature. Though you can flag initiative records with risks as well, that summary field is ...
Maria Plotkina
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Put setting for default idea list view in idea tab as well as analytics tab
What is the challenge? I didn't think to look under analytics for ideas list default as I get to the ideas list from the ideas menu item which is why I expect it to be in that tab for default views. What is the impact? I couldn't set the default i...
Lisa Hamblin
11 days ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
What is the challenge? saw the addition of custom fields to to-dos which is great. We have added one for 'department responsible' so we can use this in reporting however it is not possible to set this up w...
Sophie Ramsden
11 days ago
in To-dos
Future consideration