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Ability to report across Aha Record Relationships

We have created an Aha Record Relationship between one workspace and another. We need the ability to pull data from both related workspaces into a report like you can do when you link a custom table. We have leveraged workspaces for several busine...
Brandon Morrell almost 4 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

In reporting, add the ability to filter Release Phase names by 'begins with'

I have a list report that shows Release Phases that begin with 'Testing'. Each time I want to update it, I have to search for all Phases that start with Testing and then manually check each one. It would be helpful to be able to auto-filter to all...
Kristi Johnson 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add Grouping to List and Pivot Reports

When viewing child objects of features like requirements, to-do's, etc. it would be more visually pleasing and intuitive/useful to see all of the selected children grouped under their parent object. Rather than seeing the same feature name repeate...
Melba Gant 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

filter ideas by regex

I’m looking at a report and I can filter by Ideas name - but I have to click on a checkbox, obviously, every Idea has a different name since they’re created by other people But I want to see all the Ideas that want IDE improvements so I want to fi...
Amelia Peklar 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Display description of a report, view etc. in the Library>Overview

If you have a lot of similar reports, it can be cumbersome to find the exact one you're looking for. It will be a lot more efficient if you could see this instead of having the view the report details
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Pivots and/or Charts for initiatives and goals could be very powerful

Hello, I am putting together pivot report showcasing goals and initiatives for 2023. Initiatives are distributed into columns based on initiative timeframe field / in our case smth like 2023/ALL, 2023/Q1, 2022/Q2 and so on. Considerations Please t...
Daniel Pokrývka over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add the ability to select all/deselect in filter drop-down menus for Reports-->List Table

For any filter drop-down menu (example: Feature status), I would like to have a check-box that allows me to select all or unselect all in the field.
Guest about 8 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Click cells in pivot table to view list of items contributing to that value

It would be great if clicking on the count, sum, etc in a cell in the pivot table would open a list view of the items making up that number. E.g. if I create a pivot on Ideas, with "product name" for the rows, and a count of Idea names in the cell...
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Pivot table cell line break

When putting together a pivot table, it would be helpful to allow a line break (and/or other formatting) between data elements to prevent all the disparate data from running together. Would increase readability.
Dean S over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Filter fields on "Organization" by "does not contain"

Currently, custom fields on objects like Organization and Proxy Votes can be filtered by "contains", "is blank", and "is not blank". But there are a fair number of reports that we need to filter by fields that have many different values, wherein w...
Kellen Hawley 10 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists