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[Document templates for epics, initiatiaves, features, ...]: Need a better workflow to assign document templates

What is the challenge? Epic templates (i.e. for the description) are currently managed under 'workflows'. Currently, there is no way to create a template for this, and use it in multiple workflows. Our current workaround is to create a document te...
Tobias H about 6 hours ago in Epic 0

Change PBI Tab to All Caps (PBIs)

What is the challenge? Configuring Tab What is the impact? Formatting is Wrong Describe your idea Would be nice if the PBI portion of the Capabilities/PBIs tab was capitalized so it was formatted correctly. It should be PBIs, and not all lower case.
Guest 3 days ago in Epic 0

When moving an Epic in the board, I should be able to move the linked features whether they are opened or not

What is the challenge? I need to move manually all the features closed when I want to move an Epic from one iteration to another What is the impact? Describe your idea
Guest 18 days ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Allow epics to inherit prioritisation scores from features

What is the challenge? We prioritise features, not epics. However, it's still useful for many reasons (e.g. reporting) to have a prioritised view of epics as well. There's no way that we will spend the time to score epics separately though. What i...
John P about 1 month ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Roll up Idea votes

What is the challenge? Having to go through all features/requirements to find/add up all idea votes from Epic level What is the impact? Not seeing holistic visibility at the parent record level Describe your idea Idea votes roll up. For example: i...
Russell Geissbuhler about 1 month ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Propagate Epic status change to linked Features

What is the challenge? Change in Epic status not reflected in associated Features What is the impact? Lack of status sync between Epic & Features Describe your idea We leverage Epic as the primary record for approval workflow. I would like to ...
Senthil G about 2 months ago in Epic 0 Already exists

Prevent epic and feature due dates being overwritten on creation by child records

Currently, if a user has set their epics or features to inherit dates from their children then when creating an epic or feature the due date is ignored and replaced with the date of the child records or is forced to be blank if no child records ex...
Biplab Panda 3 months ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Global Automation Rules

What is the challenge? Set up automation rules for more than one workspace What is the impact? An easier way to setup automation rules in multiple workspace (without the need to copy the rules) Describe your idea Currently if we want to use the sa...
Edgar Holguin 3 months ago in Epic 0 Already exists

Issue Count Limit for Unranked Epics (Prioritization View)

What is the challenge? We frequently run into issues with the epic prioritization view. On a workspace line level, we have more than 100 unranked epics across 3-4 workspaces. Whenever we run into this issue, the view does not even show the workspa...
Tobias H 4 months ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

AI assistant to help me break down epics / features

What is the challenge? I spend a lot of time working on the details of an epic or a feature. Linking research, ideas, corporate initiatives. Then I send the work to a team or a product owner for them to breakdown into smaller units of work. Often ...
Mike Lowery 4 months ago in Backlogs / Development / Epic / Features 0 Future consideration