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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 21, 2021

Allow for bulk assigning of features to a team

It would be helpful to be able to bulk edit features within a Roadmaps workspace to assign them to the correct Develop team.
    Jan 21, 2022

    Bulk assign features to engineering

    You can assign multiple features in Aha! Roadmaps to the right engineering team in Aha! Develop. Bulk updates save you time.

    Learn more

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  • Rob Straight
    Oct 22, 2021

    We often have a large number of Features/Activities, with subsets that we want to assign to specific Teams. Perhaps 100 Features allocated across 10 Teams. It's not practical to do this one at a time.

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Assign many records to a team at once

Currently, users need to send one record at a time to a team. This makes assigning an entire release worth of features to a team in Aha! Develop tedious. I would like to assign an entire release to a team in Aha! Develop.
Jeff Tucker about 3 years ago in Features 0 Shipped