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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 22, 2015

External dependencies in Gantt Chart

There is a requirement that seems to be missing in Aha!. 

I would like to create a dependency between Goal 1 of Release 1 of Product A that is dependent on Release 1 of Product B so that the external dependency shows on the Gantt Chart.
    Jul 22, 2022

    You can create visual dependencies on the Releases Portfolio view (Gantt chart) in the following ways:

    • Release phases and milestones (goals) can be linked to release phases and/or milestones of the same or other releases across products and product lines.

    • Features can be linked to other features in the same or other releases across products and product lines.

    In both cases, a phase or a feature has a due-date by virtual of being on the Releases Portfolio view (select features can be added to the view so not all features must have a due-date). If any of the phases/milestones/features are pushed out their dependencies will also be pushed out so that they cannot start until those items they are dependent upon are completed.

    For more see these two support notes:

    Manage feature dependencies

    Manage phases and milestone dependencies

  • Attach files
  • Suzanne Vaughan
    Mar 22, 2015

    Hi Jv,

    You can create dependencies by hovering over any phase in Release A and then a dot appears. Click on that dot and drag it to the phase in Release B. Let go and the cross-release dependency has been created. There are visualizations on the support docs that will illustrate this.


  • Guest
    Mar 22, 2015

    The other product lines release phases are not available in the drop-down. please take a look at the screenshot in the below link:

    Release phases of other product lines not visible


