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Created by Markus Gujer
Created on Oct 3, 2018

Bulk delete features / releases

When setting up integration with JIRA it often happens that old relases and features are transferred to Aha if their statuses were not well maintained in JIRA. To get rid of those is a big manual task(manual delete of features and then the releases). The manual overhead could be greatly reduced If there was a bulk delete function where one could select all the releases that should be deleted from Aha together with their assigned features (this should include the Parking Lot 'Release').

    Jul 22, 2022

    Thank you for your idea. It is currently possible to bulk delete the features within a release. Using the Features > List, you can filter based on release name, select all features, then bulk edit and delete. You would need to manually delete the release itself, but bulk edit should speed up the process dramatically.

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    Austin Merritt
    Apr 8, 2019

    Hi there. You can do this the same way using the Activities > List view. You may need to enable this page in your navigation. This article will provide more detail.

  • Stefan Stefanov
    Apr 5, 2019

    How can we do that for marketing activities in schedule?


Mass Delete Activities or Ability To Delete Schedule with Associated Activities

Currently, it appears to be that all schedule activities need to be deleted one by one before it is possible to delete the associated schedule. It would be more efficient to have the ability to Mass Delete Activities or Ability To Delete Schedule ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Schedules 0 Already exists