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Limit the number of votes a user gets

So that users don't vote for everything, limit the total number of votes they have (which could perhaps be a number that is editable by the Aha! admin). Allowing more than one vote on an item for weighting would be helpful as well.

Release time frame 1 month
    Feb 2, 2017

    We just launched two features which enable more intelligent voting. You can now:

    • Allocate the number of votes for each ideas portal user
    • Allocate the number of votes that can be applied to a single idea

    Learn more about our latest update to help you capture what matters most to your employees, customers and partners: 

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    • Sjoerd Huisman
      Feb 3, 2017


    • Roy Massie
      Oct 19, 2016

      Agreed on all comments.  This change would make the voting more meaningful for informing decisions. I doubt I'll use the voting without this.

    • Guest
      Sep 5, 2016

      I just want to give a <thumbsup> to Jamie Burr's comment.. he hit the nail on the head. I would summarize as:

      • Each user has a total number of votes they are allocated
      • Users can use their votes all on one issue, or spread them out as their priorities dictate
      • Votes return to a user once an idea has passed a certain stage
      • Some users receive extra votes, but not sure what this would be based on. Possibly:
        • Submission of quality ideas (quality determined by other users upvoting them)
        • Longevity - long time Aha! users should be given more votes
        • Customer size - controversial maybe, but if my company spends a lot on Aha!, at least the Admin users should have a little extra voice IMO

      Currently, we lack the ability to really prioritize our tasks, and therefore, you lack the insight into what is most important to your userbase. If you implement this, you get a double-benefit. Everyone wins.

    • Guest
      Aug 31, 2016

      An additional win from limited votes is that once a feature is completed you can give votes back. This re-engages the user and encourages him/her to get into the system and vote again.

    • Donald Hasson
      Aug 25, 2016

      Let us set a limit of votes. Allow users to put multiple votes on an idea. Let us decide when to return votes (i.e. I may want to only return them when we set it to planning, as in dev actually started). 

    • Matt Schoemaker
      Aug 16, 2016

      Was about to request this (what I consider to be vital) idea myself and see that it has already been suggested. Votes need to be a limited and valuable resource, otherwise all of our internal users would vote for everything and I would be no closer to knowing which idea is more important. Users should have a quota of votes (set by admin) and they get used up on ideas. They can even vote more than once on an idea if they want to use up their quota on something they consider very valuable. Perhaps allow them to remove their votes from an existing idea and move them to another idea if they change their mind. If an idea gets rejected or approved, they get their votes back to use on something else. I know most of the above has been said before by other commenters, but wanted to lend more weight to this. Really, really important in my world! Treat a vote like cash, and it'll be used more wisely.

    • Guest
      Mar 11, 2016

      Would like to know when is this feature is required to streamline the inputs that come from the idea users.

    • Guest
      Mar 2, 2016

      Without  this, the voting has no value. Everyone can vote fro everything, and it all becomes equally important. 

      Without this imprtant feature, I am likely to use another product

    • Guest
      Feb 29, 2016

      Limiting the number of votes really forces customers to focus on what is REALLY important and therefore shows us as PMs what is RALLY important to our customers.

    • Guest
      Feb 26, 2016

      This is something we see a lot within our organization. Users are voting just to vote and it clouds the actual importance of an idea. We even have users that send out email blasts to get other users to go vote on their idea. It would help tremendously determine which ideas are most important to users if we could limit the amount of votes users get per week.

    • Guest
      Jan 15, 2016

      Our Portal users need this feature implemented as it is seem as very important.

    • Guest
      Oct 21, 2015

      Or give also negative votes :)

    • Guest
      Oct 9, 2015

      Fantastic news that this is Likely to be Implemented.

      We've just been reviewing our RFC process, and the *only* reason I wasn't moving towards using the Aha! idea portal was the lack of vote limiting.

    • Guest
      Jul 28, 2015

      Ideally a customer gets X votes to "spend".  They would need to withdraw votes from one thing to add to another.  This would be HUGE and is a deciding factor in our evaluation.

    • Neil Grayton
      Jun 8, 2015

      I would like to see that we can set against a User the number of votes they are allowed within a period of time, therefore focusing their minds on selecting Ideas which are really important to them rather than just up voting everything, I also like the idea of being able to add more weight to a vote on certain ideas, so maybe they have a number of credits in some way that can be shared across ideas.

    • Jamie Burr
      May 14, 2015

      This is the main feature difference between Aha! Ideas and UserVoice. Capped voting limits (configurable by user, since some users may have more weighting than others), multiple votes per idea (one idea may be way more important than another for a user), and automatic collection (ie once an idea has moved beyond the "Needs Review" stage, all the votes on it are put back to the respective users) would be excellent to ensure that the system isn't just spammed and the users have to actually think about which ones they will truly advocate for. Much easier to determine each users "Top 10".

    • Guest
      May 5, 2015

      I would like to have this feature.

    28 MERGED

    Add vote limits to idea portal

    Currently, a user can vote for any number of ideas. This may lead to an attitude of 'I may as well vote for this' and therefore we would get a skewed view of the actual importance of the ideas. If a vote limit (or think of it another way, a vote p...
    Guest about 10 years ago in Voting 3 Shipped