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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by John Goodloe
Created on Jun 25, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-12383 Configure status filter on ideas portal.

Customize default status filter on idea portal landing page

I'd like to be able to customize the default view for the Ideas Portal. With so many ideas, it can be overwhelming for our users that are first visiting the Portal. So, I'd like the Idea Portal to show only the ideas that are “under review” as the default but allow the users to use the existing filters to navigate to the other idea statuses.

  • Clare Chawke
    Oct 12, 2021

    Our team would like to be able to customize the Ideas Overview page with charts/reports/widgets of our choosing.

    The current, default Ideas overview page provides a Status pie chart and an historical trend of the last 30 days. This is a bit restrictrive and it would be better if these were customisable (for pie chart: filter out on status e.g. Not under consideration/Delivered. For historical trend: ability to select the time range. Plus add Bars for "New Ideas" / "Closed Ideas" / "Total Open Ideas Backlog" )