A critical feature request: The lack of full text search support in Aha! is a major killer of usability. I frequently remember a text string from a comment and want to find the related idea, but the search function in Aha! does not include comments.
Please improve the Aha! search function to include the comments that are made on an idea.
Please see attached screenshots for an example where a text string is in a comment, but the idea is not returned when that search term is used.
Would love to include the Admin Response as well.
Is this possible yet (to have the search include comments)?
Often times the details are written in the comments section. If we can search comments, then it will eliminate redundant idea submission.
Here's our use case: Some ideas are transferred from service tickets or customer complaints. Public comment is the only place we could add the original ticket number for tracking purpose. The portal users need to search for the ticket number to find the status of the idea.