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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Julie Edwards
Created on Mar 22, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-10008 Private Portal self-registration for users that are not employees.

Additional visibility category in Ideas Portal

Currently there are three options: Not visible, Visible to Employees and Partners, Visible to Anyone.

I would like a 4th option - I would like the flexibility to choose whether an idea is displayed just to Employees as there are times when I dont want Partners seeing an Employee suggestion. We want to launch our Ideas Portals to our Partners asap but need to be careful re content.

  • Ben Bishop
    Mar 22, 2018

    this would be a great idea - if we could essentially split the option Employee& Partner down to their individual parts so we could manage visibility - appreciate you would also need to add a second "Partner" email setting to control this. We definitely understand the one product ethos, but quite simply there are some employee ideas we dont want partners to see.........