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Status Future consideration
Categories Epic Features
Created by Christian Rodriguez
Created on Jan 8, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-11905 Ability to prioritize features within an epic.

Sort / re-order Feature listed in the epic view Merged

Epics provide additional organizational leverage by grouping together related Features / Stories. Part of that benefit is lost, however, since the enclosed Features appear to be randomly organized within the epic in both the drawer and detail views.

It'd be great if those could be re-ordered the way that Requirements are for Features, or could be sorted by some logical metric. Currently it's not clear to me what the metric is that's being used (if any) for sorting.

    Jul 22, 2022

    Thank you for your idea. This is not currently planned on our roadmap but we will continue to monitor customer feedback here.

    In the meantime, a flexible option for viewing features by master feature would be using a custom pivot table. You could then use custom sorting to organize the features how you need them. This would provide the additional advantage of being able to view multiple master features and their related features in a single view or to filter down to a specific master feature when needed.

  • Shri Iyer
    Nov 23, 2022

    Some of our epics have several features (user stories). Being able to sort or re-order those would be super useful to hone in on the exact feature being looked for.

  • Silke Henderson-Stuenkel
    Aug 12, 2021

    Sorting is essential to me, as it reflects the order - in which the features and/or requirements have to be worked on.
    Using workarounds like numbering is not really usefull to me as this would cause to much work when reordering.

  • Klaus Ziegerhofer
    Aug 12, 2021

    Epics / Master Features very often require the features to be delivered in a certain order to create customer value. Currently there is no way of ordering the Features included (other than using numbers as prefix) in an Epic.

  • Andrew Brooks
    Apr 23, 2021

    To add to this idea, the same functionality is also required on the feature for requirements. Everytime we have to create a custom pivot chart to address a user requirements reduces the value of Aha! for the user in my opinion. The screen real estate is really critical for users to get a snapshot of what's is happening in a Epic or feature. Sorting by Status, Date etc may sound like a nice to have, but actually being able to view Features/Requirements in a sortable list withouy multiple clicking, creating reports and then saving and rediscoveing later on is value added to the UX and ease of use

  • Maria McCluskey
    Oct 28, 2020

    We would really benefit from custom ordering as my team is currently working Kamban so I need to order the features/stories as I want them developed. Currently all the sort options are unsuitable to do this.

  • Karie Kelly
    Oct 26, 2020

    btw- you cannot use a pivot table to have a custom feature unless you either rename titles to try to make them sort that way or input a different custom field to create a manual rank order - something that must then be manually maintained and updated each time - given there is already a calculated/automated rank based on the d&d order, it seems that the capability already exists - allow to show in details view based on that same rank order.

  • Karie Kelly
    Oct 26, 2020

    The value of needing the requirement ordering within the feature is the same with features within Epics. The additional confusion is that you can order in the board view but then they show differently in the related/detail views. Visuals for quick understanding without having to drill into details is an important aspect of being efficient, but also with adoption and satisfaction when Reviewers or those that are not in the application every day or assessing progress, status, and priorities. A common way to quickly convey priority or delivery focus is the display order. Having the alignment between the views, and consistency with requirements assists with self-service and usage.

  • Chris Cummings
    Aug 19, 2020

    This would be helpful to us as well. We have to work around this today by adding numbers to features which gets tedious and confusing if features need to be re-prioritized.

  • Marina Reyna
    Mar 18, 2020

    This would be very helpful to us, too.

  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2019

    Please reconsider this from future to doing it now. My knowledge of this change is about a 5p to complete and the value is much more beneficial to the effort and time to complete

  • Guest
    Oct 8, 2018

    Fully agree. We now use numbers (starting in multiples of 10 to have some flexibility in adding features in between later on) at start of every feature, but it costs time and it's sometimes confusing for users since the feature number is immediately followed by the sortorder. Making this sortable would be really appreciated.

    In the mean time we'll have a look at your custom pivot table suggestion.

  • Guest
    Jul 18, 2018

    agree with Tom Beck (and thanks for pointing out its alphabetical)! drag and drop would be a very useful addition! 

  • Tom Beck
    Mar 26, 2018

    Two things happened today that reminded me of this.  First, someone was asking me how to change the order of the features within a master feature.  I had to tell them that they are sorted alphabetically by title and there's no other sorting options.  Second, I was just re-ordering requirements within a feature via drag-n-drop and then realized that I could actually do that!  Perhaps there's are architectural differences between requirements, features, and master features that is an impediment, but it sure would make master features better if we could move the features around like we can with requirements.


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